Past Publications

This bibliography contains all publications from faculty, researchers, and students from 1961 to 2013. It is available for download: LRC Publication List (PDF, 520KB).


13-01 Lascu, I. and Plank, C. P., 2013, A new dimension to sediment magnetism: Charting the spatial variability of magnetic properties across lake basins, Global and Planetary Change, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.03.013.

13-02 Anger, C.T., C. Sueper, D.J. Blumentritt, K. McNeill, D.R. Engstrom, and W.A. Arnold. 2013. Quantification of triclosan, chlorinated triclosan derivatives, and their dioxin photoproducts in lacustrine sediment cores. Environmental Science & Technology DOI 10.1021/es3045289

13-03 Benson, C.J., Edlund, M.B., Gray, S., Powell, L., Paulin-Curlee, G., Armien, A., Overmann, J.A. 2013. The presence of diatom algae in a tracheal wash from a German Wirehaired Pointer with aspiration pneumonia. Veterinary Clinical Pathology

13-04 Blumentritt, D.J., D.R. Engstrom, and S.J. Balogh. 2013 A novel repeat-coring approach to reconstruct recent sediment, phosphorus, and mercury loading from the upper Mississippi River to Lake Pepin, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology (in press).

13-05 Cooke, C.A., H. Hintelmann, J.J. Ague, R. Burger, H. Biester, Sachs, J.P., and D.R. Engstrom. 2013. Use and legacy of mercury in the Andes. Environmental Science & Technology DOI 10.1021/es3048027.

13-06 Engstrom, D.R. and N.L. Rose. 2013. A whole-basin, mass-balance approach to paleolimnology. Journal of Paleolimnology 49: 333-347.

13-07 Fitzgerald, W.F., C.R. Hammerschmidt, D.R. Engstrom, P.H. Balcom, C.H. Lamborg, and C-M. Tseng. 2013. Mercury in the Alaskan Arctic in J.E. Hobbie and G.W. Kling, editors, A Warming Arctic: Ecological Consequences for Tundra, Streams and Lakes. Oxford University Press (in press).

13-08 Kaczmarska, I., Poulíčková, A., Sato, S., Edlund, M.B., Idei, M., Watanabe, T. and Mann, D.G. 2013. Proposals for a terminology for diatom sexual reproduction, auxospores and resting stages. Diatom Research

13-09 Lamborg, C.H., D.R. Engstrom, W.F. Fitzgerald, and P.H. Balcom. 2013. Apportioning global and non-global components of mercury deposition through 210Pb indexing. Science of the Total Environment 448: 132-140.

13-10 McLauchlan, K. K., Lascu, I., Myrbo, A. and Leavitt, P. R., 2013, Variable ecosystem response to climate change during the Holocene in northern Minnesota, U.S.A., Geological Society of America Bulletin 125, p. 445–452, doi: 10.1130/B30737.1.

13-11 Pavlov, A., Levkov, Z., Williams, D.M. and Edlund, M.B. 2013. Observations on Hippodonta from selected ancient lakes. Phytotaxa 90: 1-53.

13-12 Reavie, E.D. and Edlund, M.B. 2013. Assessing diatom transfer function performance on four Minnesota sediment cores: the effects of training set size and sample age. Journal of Paleolimnology DOI: 10.1007/s10933-013-9706-x

13-13 Schottler, S.P., J. Ulrich, P. Belmont, R. Moore, J.W. Lauer, D.R. Engstrom, and J.E. Almendinger. 2013. Twentieth century agricultural drainage creates more erosive rivers. Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9738.

13-14 Umbanhowar, C.E. Jr., Camill, P., Edlund, M.B., Geiss, C., W. Durham, D. Kreger, W. Molano, C. Raskob, M. Stocker, A. Tvera and J. Williams (in press) Contrasting changes in surface waters and barrens over the past 60 years for a subarctic forest-tundra site located in northern Manitoba based on remote sensing imagery. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

13-15 Corbett, J. E., M. M. Tfaily, D. J. Burdige,W. T. Cooper, P. H. Glaser, and J. P. Chanton (2013). Partitioning pathways of CO2 production in peatlands with stable carbon isotopes. Biogeochemistry. DOI 10.1007/s10533-012-9813-1.

13-16 Tfaily, M.M, J. E. Corbett, J. P. Chanton, P. H. Glaser, and W. T. Cooper. Investigating dissolved organic matter decomposition in northern peatlands using complimentary analytical techniques. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (in press)

13-17 Edlund, M.B. and Stoermer, E.F. (in press) Minnesota diatomists and diatoms: The first 150 years. Phytotaxa


12-01 Lascu, I., McLauchlan, K.K., Myrbo, A., Banerjee, S.K (2012) Sediment-magnetic evidence for last millennium drought conditions at the prairie-forest ecotone of northern USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Palaeoecology 337-338, p. 99-107, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.04.001.

12-02 van der Meeren, T., Mischke, S., Sunjidmaa, N., Herxschuh, U., Ito, E., Martens, K., and Verschuren, D. 2012. Subfossil ostracode assemblages frommongolia – Quatifying response for paleolimnological applications. Ecological Indicators. 14:138-151. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.07.004

12-03 Marco-Barba, J., Ito, E., Carbonell, E. and Mezquita-Joanes, F. (2012.) Empirical calibration of shell chemistry of Cyprideis torosa(Jones, 1850) (Crustacea: Ostracoda). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 93:143-163.

12-04 Anderson, N.J., R.H. Foy, D.R. Engstrom, B. Rippey and F. Alamgir. 2012. Climate forcing of diatom productivity in a lowland, eutrophic lake: White Lough revisited. Freshwater Biology (in press).

12-05 Black, J.L., Edlund, M.B., Hausmann, S., Pienitz, R. 2012. Small freshwater thalassiosiroid diatoms from Pleistocene sediments of Pingualuit Crater Lake, northern Québec (Canada) including description of Cyclotella pingaluitii sp. nov. Diatom Research, DOI:10.1080/0269249X.2012.654825

12-06 Black, J.L., Edlund, M.B., Hausmann, S., Pienitz, R. 2012. Small freshwater thalassiosiroid diatoms from Pleistocene sediments of Pingualuit Crater Lake, northern Québec (Canada) including description of Cyclotella pingaluitii sp. nov. Diatom Research 27(1): 53-63, DOI:10.1080/0269249X.2012.654825

12-07 Camill, P., Umbanhowar, C.E. Jr., Geiss, C., Hobbs, W.O., Edlund, M.B., Shinneman, A.C., Dorale, J.A. and Lynch, J. 2012. Holocene climate change and landscape development from a low-Arctic tundra lake in the western Hudson Bay region of Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 48: 175-192, DOI 10.1007/s10933-012-9619-0

12-08 Coleman Wasik, J.K., C.P.J. Mitchell, D.R. Engstrom, E.B. Swain, B.A. Monson, S.J. Balogh, J.D. Jeremiason, B.A. Branfireun, S.L. Eggert, R.K. Kolka, and J.A. Almendinger. 2012. Methylmercury declines in a boreal peatland when experimental sulfate depostion decreases. Environmental Science & Technology 46: 6663-6671

12-09 Corella,JP. Achim Brauer, Clara Mangili, Valentí Rull, Teresa Vegas‐Vilarrúbia, Mario Morellón, Blas L. Valero‐Garcés. 2012 The 1.5-ka varved record of Lake Montcortès (southern Pyrenees, NE Spain). Quaternary Research 78: 323 - 332

12-10 Drevnick, P.E, D.R. Engstrom, C.T. Driscoll, E.B. Swain, S.J. Balogh, N.C. Kamman, D.T. Long, D.G.C. Muir, M.J. Parsons, K.R. Rolfhus, and R. Rossmann. 2012. Spatial and temporal patterns of mercury accumulation in sediment records from across the Great Lakes Region. Environmental Pollution 161:252-260.

12-11 García-Ruiz, J.M., Carlos Martí-Bono, José L. Peña-Monné, Carlos Sancho, Edward J. Rhodes, Blas Valero-Garcés, Penélope González-Sampériz and Ana Moreno. 2012. Glacial And Fluvial Deposits In The Aragón Valley, Central-Western Pyrenees: Chronology Of The Pyrenean Late Pleistocene Glaciers. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography ( on line, 27 Sept. 2012)

12-12 Glaser, P.H., J. C. Volin, T. J. Givnish, B. C.S. Hansen, and C. A. Stricker (2012). Carbon and sediment accumulation in the Everglades (USA) during the past 4000 years: rates, drivers, and sources of error. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 117, G03026, doi:10.1029/2011JG001821, 2012.

12-13 Glaser, P.H., J. C. Volin, T. J. Givnish, B. C.S. Hansen, and C. A. Stricker (2012). Carbon and sediment accumulation in the Everglades (USA) during the past 4000 years: rates, drivers, and sources of error. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 117, G03026, doi:10.1029/2011JG001821, 2012.

12-14 Gutiérrez, F. B. Valero-Garcés, G. Desir, P. González-Sampériz, M.Gutiérrez, R. Linares, M. Zarroca, A. Moreno, J. Guerrero, C. Roqué, L.J. Arnold, M. Demuro. 2012. Late Holocene evolution of playa lakes in the Central sector of the Ebro depression based on geophysical surveys and morphostratigraphic analysis of lacustrine terraces . Geomorphology. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.02.013

12-15 Hobbs, W.O., Ramstack Hobbs, J.M., LaFrancois, T., Zimmer, K.D., Theissen, K.M., Edlund, M.B., Michelutti, N., Butler, M.G., Hanson, M.A., and Carlson, T.J. 2012. On the effectiveness of biomanipulations in shallow lake ecosystems: a 200 yr perspective on stable alternate regimes. Ecological Applications

12-16 Hobbs, W.O., Ramstack Hobbs, J.M., LaFrancois, T., Zimmer, K.D., Theissen, K.M., Edlund, M.B. Michelutti, N., Butler, M.G., Hanson, M.A., and Carlson, T.J. 2012. A 200-year perspective on alternative stable state theory and lake management from a biomanipulated shallow lake. Ecological Applications 22:1483–1496. < >

12-17 Jiménez-Sánchez, M. L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, J. M. García-Ruiz, M. J. Domínguez-Cuesta, P. Farias, B. Valero-Garcés, A. Moreno, M. Rico, M. Valcárcel. 2012. A review of glacial geomorphology and chronology in northern Spain: Timing and regional variability during the last glacial cycle. Geomorphology. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.06.009

12-18 Morellón, M., Büntgen, U., Catalán, J., Corella, J. P., González-Sampériz, P., González-Trueba, J. J., López-Sáez, J. A., Moreno, A., Pérez-Sanz, A., Pla, S., Rull, V., Saz-Sánchez, M. A., Serrano, Ecarlos Sancho,., Steinhilber, F., and Valero-Garcés, B. . 2012. A multi-proxy perspective on millennium-long climate variability in the Southern Pyrenees. Climate of the Past. 8: 683–700 doi:10.5194/cp-8-683-2012

12-19 Moreno, A. Ana Pérez, Jaime Frigola, Vanesa Nieto-Moreno, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz, Belén Martrat, Penélope González-Sampériz, Mario Morellón, Celia Martín-Puertas, Juan Pablo Corella, Ánchel Belmonte, Carlos Sancho, Isabel Cacho, Gemma Herrera, Miquel Canals, Joan Grimalt, Francisco Jiménez-Espejo, Francisca Martínez Ruiz, Teresa Vegas and Blas L. Valero- Garcés 2012. The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from a compilation of marine and lake records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 43: 16-32

12-20 Moreno, A., González-Sampériz, P., Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B. L., Fletcher, W. J.. 2012. Northern Iberian abrupt climate change dynamics during the last glacial cycle: a view from lacustrine sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews. 36: 139- 153. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.06.031

12-21 Roberts, N. Ana Moreno, Blas L. Valero-Garcés, Juan Pablo Corella , Matthew Jones, Samantha Allcock , Jessie Woodbridge, Mario Morellón Juerg Luterbacher,Elena Xoplaki, Murat Türkeş. 2012. Palaeolimnological evidence for an east–west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean since AD 900. Global and Planetary Changes. 84-85:23 – 34 doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.11.002

12-22 Saros, J.E., J.R. Stone, G.T. Pederson, K.E.H. Slemmons, T. Spanbauer, A. Schleip, D. Cahl, C.E. Williamson, and D.R. Engstrom. 2012. Climate-induced changes in lake ecosystem structure inferred from coupled neo- and paleoecological approaches. Ecology 93: 2155-2164.

12-23 Triplett, L.D., D.R. Engstrom, and D.J. Conley. 2012. Changes in amorphous silica sequestration with eutrophication of riverine impoundments. Biogeochemistry108:413–427.

12-24 Myrbo, A. (2012) The carbon cycle in lakes. In Bengtsson, L., R. W. Herschy, and R. W. Fairbridge, eds., Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences, Part 3, Encyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs, Springer: p.121-125.


11-01 Van der Meeren, T., Ito, E., Verschuren, D., Almendinger, J. E., and Martens, K., 2011. Valve chemistry of Limnocythere inopinata (Ostracoda) in a cold arif environment – implications for Paleolimnological interpretation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 306: 116-126. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.04.006

11-02 Nam, Y. and Ito, E. 2011. A climate change course for undergraduate students. Journal of geoscience Education. 59:229-241.

11-03 Belmont, P., K.B. Gran, S.P. Schottler, P.R. Wilcock, S.S. Day, C. Jennings, J.W. Lauer, E. Viparelli, J.K. Willenbring, D.R. Engstrom, and G. Parker. 2011. Large shift in source of fine sediment in the upper Mississippi River. Environmental Science and Technology 45:8804-8810.

11-04 Blaauw, M., B. van Geel, I. Kristen, B. Plessen, A. Lyaruu, D.R. Engstrom, J. van der Plicht, and D. Verschuren. 2011. High-resolution 14C dating of a 25,000-year lake-sediment record from equatorial East Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 30:3043-3059.

11-05 Corella JP, El Amrani A, Sigró J, Morellón M, Rico E, Valero-Garcés B 2011 Recent evolution of Lake Arreo, northern Spain: influences of land use change and climate. Journal of Paleolimnology. 46: 469-485

11-06 Corella, P., Moreno, A. Morellón, M., Rull, V., Giralt, S., Rico, M., Pérez-Sanz, A., Valero- Garcés, B 2011 Climate and human impact on a meromictic lake during the last 6,000 years (Montcortès Lake, Central Pyrenees, Spain) Journal of Paleolimnology. 46:351-367.

11-07 Giralt S, Rico-Herrero MT, Vega JC, Valero-Garcés BL 2011 Quantitative climate reconstruction linking meteorological, limnological and XRF core scanner datasets: the Lake Sanabria case study, NW Spain. Journal of Paleolimnology. 46:487-502.

11-08 Gracz, M. B. Comment on Wetland drying and succession across the Kenai Peninsula Lowlands, south-central Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41, 425-428, doi:10.1139/x10-147 (2011).

11-09 Kolka, R.K., C.P.J. Mitchell, J.D. Jeremiason, N.A. Hines, D.F. Grigal, D.R. Engstrom, J. K. Coleman-Wasik, E.A. Nater, E.B. Swain, B.A. Monson, J.A. Fleck, B. Johnson, J.E. Almendinger, B.A. Branfireun, P L. Brezonik, and J B. Cotner. 2011. Mercury cycling in peatland watersheds. Pages 349-370 in R. K. Kolka, S. D. Sebestyen, E. S. Verry, and K. N. Brooks, editors. Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

11-10 López-Merino, L, Moreno A, Leira M, Sigró J, González-Sampériz P, Valero-Garcés BL, López- Sáez JA, Brunet M, Aguilar E. 2011. Two hundred years of environmental change in Picos de Europa National Park inferred from sediments of Lago Enol, northern Iberia. Journal of Paleolimnology. 46: 453-467

11-11 Martín-Puertas, C., Blas L Valero- Garcés , M Pilar Mata , Ana Moreno , Santiago Giralt, Francisca Martínez- Ruiz, Francisco Jiménez- Espejo 2011 Geochemical processes in a Mediterranean Lake: a high-resolution study of the last 4000 years in Zoñar Lake (southern Spain). Journal of Paleolimnology. 46: 405 - 421

11-12 Morellón, M., B. Valero-Garcés, P. González-Sampériz, T. Vegas-Vilarrúbia, E. Rubio, M. Rieradevall, A. Delgado-Huertas, P. Mata, Ó. Romero, D.R. Engstrom, M. López-Vincente, A. Navas, and J. Soto. 2011. Climate changes and human activities recorded in the sediments of Lake Estanya (NE Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. Journal of Paleolimnology 46: 423-452.

11-13 Moreno A., López-Merino L, Leira M, Marco-Barba J, González-Sampériz P, Valero-Garcés B, López-Sáez JA, Santos L, Mata P, Ito E 2011 Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Paleolimnology. 46: 327 – 349.

11-14 Navas, A., B. L. Valero-Garcés, L. Gaspar, L. Palazón 2011 Radionuclides and stable elements in the sediments of the Yesa Reservoir (Central Spanish Pyrenees). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11:1082 – 1098.

11-15 Parsekian, A. , X. Comas , L. Slater, and P. Glaser (2011). Geophysical evidence for the lateral distribution of free-phase gas at the peat basin scale in a large northern peatland. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, G03008, doi:10.1029/2010JG001543.

11-16 Pueyo, JJ, Alberto Sáez, Santiago Giralt, Blas L. Valero-Garcés, Ana Moreno, Roberto Bao, Antje Schwalb, Christian Herrera, Bogumila Klosowska, Conxita Taberner 2011 Carbonate and organic matter sedimentation and isotopic signatures in Lake Chungará, Chilean altiplano, during the last 12.3 kyr. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 307: 339-355. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.05.036

11-17 Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L, M. Jiménez-Sánchez, M.J. Domínguez-Cuesta, M. Rico, B. Valero- Garcés 2011 Last deglaciation in northwestern Spain: new chronological and geomorphologic evidence from the Sanabria región. Geomorphology, 135: 48-65.

11-18 Scussolini P, Vegas-Vilarrúbia T, Rull V, Corella JP, Valero-Garcés B, Gomà J 2011 Mid-late Holocene climate change and human impact based on diatoms, algae and aquatic vegetation pollen from Lake Montcortès (NE Iberian Peninsula) Journal of Paleolimnology. 46: 369 - 385

11-19 Valero-Garcés, B and Moreno A. 2011 Iberian lacustrine sediment records: responses to past and recent global changes in the Mediterranean región. Journal of Paleolimnology. 46:319 -325

11-20 Myrbo, A., M. Murphy, and V. Stanley, 2011. The Minneapolis Chain of Lakes by bicycle: Glacial history, human modifications, and paleolimnology of an urban natural environment, in Miller, J.D., Hudak, G.J., Wittkop, C., and McLaughlin, P.I., eds., Geological Society of America Field Guide 24, p. 435-437.

11-21 Shuman B and Plank C (2013) Orbital, ice sheet, and possible solar controls on Holocenemoisture trends in the North Atlantic drainage basin. Geology. 39:151-154. doi: 10.1130/G31387.1


10-01 Shane L C K, 2010. Paul B. Sears' Contributions to the Development of Paleoecology, Ohio Journal of Science, 109. No. 4-5, 76-87

10-02 Shapley MD, Ito E and Forester RM, 2010. Negative correlations between Mg:Ca and total dissolved solids in lakes: false aridity signals and decoupling mechanism for paleohydrologic proxies. Geology 38:427-430. doi: 10.1130/G30718.1.

10-03 van der Meeren T, Almendinger JE, Ito E and Martens K, 2010. The ecology of ostracodes (Ostracoda, Crustacea) in western Mongolia. Hydrobiologia, 641:253-273. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-010-0089-y.

10-04 Cheng Zhao, Zicheng Yu, Yan Zhao, Emi Ito, Kenneth P. Kodama and Fahu Chen, 2010. Holocene millennial-scale climate variations documented by multiple lake-level proxies from Hurleg Lake in northwestern China. Journal of Paleolimnology, 44:995-1008.DOI 10.1007/s10933-010-9469-6.

10-05 Parsekian, A., L. Slater, X. Comas, and P. Glaser, 2010. Non-invasive comparison of biogenic free phase gas accumulation between forested crest and mid-slope lawn of a large raised bog complex: variations in the vertical distribution of gas. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences. 115, G02002, doi:10.1029/2009JG001086.

10-06 D’Andrilli, J. J.P. Chanton, P. H. Glaser, and W.T. Cooper, in press. Characterization of dissolved organic matter in northern peatland soil porewaters using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Organic Geochemistry.

10-07 Van der Meeren, T., Verschuren, D., Ito, E., Martens, K, 2010. Morphometric techniques allow environmental reconstructions from low-diversity continental ostracode assemblages. Journal of Paleolimnology 44:903–911. DOI 10.1007/s10933-010-9463-z

10-08 Siver, P.A., Wolfe, A.P. and Edlund, M.B. 2010. Taxonomic descriptions and evolutionary implications of Middle Eocene pennate diatoms representing the extant genera Oxyneis, Actinella and Nupela (Bacillariophyceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution 143(3): 349-351, doi: 10.591/plecevo.2010.419

10-09 Edlund, M.B., Shinneman, A.L.C., Soninkhishig, N. 2010. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from the Valley of the Great Lakes in western Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 8(1): 17-26.

10-10 Rushforth, S.J., Edlund, M.B., Spaulding, S.A. and Stoermer, E.F. 2010. The Reimer Diatom Herbarium: an important resource for teaching and research. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 160: 13-20.

10-11 Edlund, M.B. and Brant, L.A. 2010. Eunotia charliereimeri, a new Eunotia species (Bacillariophyceae) with amphoroid frustule symmetry. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 160: 47-56.

10-12 Morales, E.A., Edlund, M.B. and Spaulding, S.A. 2010. Description and ultrastructure of araphid diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) morphologically similar to Pseudostaurosira elliptica (Schumann) Edlund et al. Phycological Research 58: 97-107.

10-13 Shinneman, A.L.C., Umbanhowar, C.E., Jr., Edlund, M.B. and Soninkhishig, N. 2010. Late Holocene moisture balance inferred from diatoms and lake sediment records in western Mongolia. The Holocene 20: 123-138.

10-14 Shinneman, A.L.C., Umbanhowar, C.E., Jr., Almendinger, J.E., Edlund, M.B. and Soninkhishig, N. 2009. Paleolimnologic evidence for recent eutrophication in the Valley of the Great Lakes (Mongolia). Ecosystems 12: 944-960. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-009-9269-x

10-15 Mackay, A.W., Edlund, M.B. and Khursevich, G. 2010. Diatoms in ancient lakes. In Smol, J.P. and Stoermer, E.F. (Eds) The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences. Cambridge University Press. pp 209-228.

10-16 Reavie, E.D. and Edlund, M.B. 2010. Diatoms as indicators of environmental change in rivers, fluvial lakes and impoundments. In Smol, J.P. and Stoermer, E.F. (Eds) The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences. Cambridge University Press. pp 86-97.

10-17 Spaulding, S.A., Kilroy, C. and Edlund, M.B. 2010. Diatoms as nonnative species. In Smol, J.P. and Stoermer, E.F. (Eds) The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences. Cambridge University Press. pp 560-569.

10-18 Spaulding, S. and Edlund, M.B. (Invited Editors). 2010. "A special volume honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Charles W. Reimer", Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 160: 126 pp.

10-19 Christensen, V.G., Jones, P.M., Edlund, M.B., and Ramstack, J.M., 2010, Water quality (2000– 08) and historical phosphorus concentrations from paleolimnological studies of Swamp and Speckled Trout Lakes, Grand Portage Reservation, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5192, 53 pp. <>

10-20 S. E. Metcalfe, M. D. Jones, S. J. Davies, A. Noren, and A. MacKenzie, 2010. Climate variability over the last two millennia in the North American monsoon region, recorded in laminated lake sediments from Laguna de Juanacatlán, Mexico, The Holocene 20: 1195-1206. doi:10.1177/0959683610371994

10-21 A. S. Parris, P. R. Bierman, A. J. Noren, M. A. Prins, and A. Lini, 2010. Holocene paleostorms identified by particle size signatures in lake sediments from the northeastern United States, Journal of Paleolimnology, Volume 43, Number 1, 29-49, DOI: 10.1007/s10933-009-9311-1.

10-22 Lascu, I., S. K. Banerjee, and T. S. Berquó (2010), Quantifying the concentration of ferrimagnetic particles in sediments using rock magnetic methods, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q08Z19, doi:10.1029/2010GC003182.

10-23 Parsekian, A. D., L. Slater, X. Comas, and P. H. Glaser (2010), Variations in free-phase gases in peat landforms determined by groundpenetrating radar, J. Geophys. Res., 115,G02002, doi:10.1029/2009JG001086.

10-24 Shinneman, A.L.C., D.M. Bennett, S.C. Fritz, J. Schmieder, D.R. Engstrom, A. Efting, and J. Holz. 2010. Inferring lake depth using diatom assemblages in the shallow, seasonally variable lakes of the Nebraska Sand Hills (USA): calibration, validation, and application of a 69-lake training set. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 443-464.

10-25 Yang, H., D.R. Engstrom, and N.L. Rose. 2010. Recent changes in atmospheric mercury deposition in the sediments of remote equatorial lakes in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Environmental Science and Technology 44: 6570-6577.

10-26 McGlynn, G., A.W. Mackay, N.L. Rose, R.G. Taylor, M.J. Leng, and D.R. Engstrom. 2010. Palaeolimnological evidence of environmental change over the last 400 years in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda. Hydrobiologia 648: 109-122.

10-27 Balogh, S.J., L.D. Triplett, D.R. Engstrom, and Y.H. Nollet. 2010. Historical trace metal loading to a large river recorded in the sediments of Lake St. Croix, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 517-530.

10-28 Drevnick, P.E., A.L.C. Shinneman, C.H. Lamborg, D.R. Engstrom, M.H. Bothner, and J.T. Oris. 2010. Mercury flux to sediments of Lake Tahoe, California–Nevada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 210: 399-407.

10-29 Bookman, R., C.T. Driscoll, S.W. Effler, and D.R. Engstrom. 2010. Anthropogenic impacts recorded in recent sediments from Otisco Lake, New York, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 43: 449-462.

10-30 Wright, H.E.,, 2010, High points in palaeolimnological studies as viewed by a convert. Journal of Paleolimnology44, 497-503.


09-01. Glaser. P.H. and Chanton, J.P., 2009. Methane accumulation and release from deep peat: measurements, conceptual models, and biogeochemical significance. In Northern Peatlands and Carbon Cycling, Baird, A., L Beyla, X. Comas, A. Reeve, and L. Slater (eds). American Geophysical Union Books.

09-02. Engstrom, D.R., 2009. A tale of two rivers (introduction to the Environmental History of the Upper Mississippi River. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41:541-543.

09-03 Blumentritt, D.J., Wright, H.E., and Stefanova, V., 2009. . Formation and early history of Lakes Pepin and St. Croix in the upper Mississippi River. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41:545-562

09-04. Engstrom, D.R., Almendinger, J.E., and Wolin, J.A., 2009. Historical changes in sediment and phosphorus loading to the upper Mississippi Ri.yer: mass-balance reconstructions from the sediments of Lake Pepin. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41:563-588

09-05. Balogh, S.J., Engstrom, D.R., Almendinger, J.E., McDermott, C., Hu, J., Nollet, Y.H.,. Meyer, M.L., and. Johnson, D.K. 2009. A sediment record of trace metal loadings in the upper Mississippi River. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41:623-639.

09-06. Edlund, M.B., Engstrom, D.R., Triplett, L.D., Moraska Lafrancois, B., and Leavitt. P.R., 2009. Twentieth century eutrophication of the St. Croix River (MinnesotaWisconsin, USA) reconstructed from the sediments of its natural impoundment. Journal of Paeleolimnology, 41:641-657.

09-07 Triplett, L.D., Engstrom, D.R.,and Edlund, M.B., 2009 A whole-basin stratigraphic record of sediment and phosphorus loading to the St. Croix River, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41: 659-677.

09-08. Edlund, M.B.,. Triplett, L.D., Tomasek, M.D., and Bartilson, K. 2009. From paleo to policy: partitioning the historical point and nonpoint phosphorus loads to the St. Croix River, Minnesota- Wisconsin, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41: 679-689.

09-09. Moraska Lafrancois, B., Magdalene, S., and Johnson, D.K. 2009. . A comparison of recent water quality trends (1976-2004) with sediment-core records for two riverine lakes of the upper Mississippi River basin: Lake St. Croix and Lake Pepin. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41: 603- 622.

09-10. Serieyssol, C.A., Edlund, M.B. and Kallemeyn, L.W. 2009. Impacts of settlement, damming, and hydromanagement in two boreal lakes: a comparative paleolimnological study. Journal of Paleolimnology, 42:497-513.

09-11. Shinneman, A.L.C., Edlund, M.B., Almendinger, J E. and Soninkhishig, N. 2009. Diatoms as indicators of water quality in Western Mongolian lakes: a 54-site calibration set. Journal of Paleolimnology, 42:373-389.,

09-12. Plank, C., and Shuman, B. 2009. Drought-driven chnges in lake areas and their effects on the surface energy balance of Minnesoita’s lake-dotted landscape.. Journal of Climate, 22:4055- 4065. DOI: 10.1175/2009JCLI1978.1.

09-13. Shuman, B., Henderson. A., Colman, S.M., Stone, J.R., Stevens, L.R., Fritz, S.C., Power, M.J., and Whitlock, C., 2009 Holocene lake-level trends in the Rocky Mountains, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews. 28:1861 - 1879.

09-14. Shuman, B., Henderson, A., Plank, C., Stefanova, V., and Ziegler , S., 2009. Woodland –to- forest transition during prolonged drought in Minnesota after ca. AD 1000. Ecology. 90, 2792 – 2807

09-15. Henderson, A.K., and Shuman, B.N., 2009, Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of lake water in the western United States. Geologic Society of America Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B26441.1.

09-16. Sáez, A. Valero-Garcés, B.L., Giralt, S., Moreno, A., Bao, R., Pueyo, JJ., Hernández, A., Casas, D. 2009. Glacial to Holocene climate changes in the SE Pacific. The Raraku Lake sedimentary record (Easter Island, 27ºS). Quaternary Science Review doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.06.018.

09-17. Martín- Puertas, C., Blas L Valero- Garcés , M Pilar Mata , Ana Moreno , Santiago Giralt, Francisca Martínez- Ruiz, Francisco Jiménez- Espejo, in press. Geochemical processes in a Mediterranean Lake: a high-resolution study of the last 4000 years in Zoñar Lake (southern Spain). Journal of Paleolimnology.

09-18. Mario Morellón, Valero-Garcés, B.L;, Penélope González-Sampériz, Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Esther Rubio, Maria Rieradevall, Antonio Delgado-Huertas, Pilar Mata , Óscar Romero, Daniel R. Engstrom, Manuel López-Vicente, Ana Navas, Jesús Soto, 2009. Climate changes and human activities recorded in the sediments of Lake Estanya (NE Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. Journal of Paleolimnology. DOI 10.1007/s10933-009-9346-3

09-19. Larrasoana, J.C, Maria Ortuño, Birks, H.H., Valero-Garcés, B.L; Josep M Parés; Ramon Copons; Lluís Camarero; Jaume Bordonau. 2009. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoseismic implications of a 3700-year sedimentary record from proglacial Lake Barrancs (Maladeta Massif, Central Pyrenees, Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.04.003.

09-20 Moreno, A., Valero-Garcés, B.L. Jiménez-Sánchez, M., Domínguez-Cuesta. M.J., Mata, M.P., Navas, A, González-Sampériz, P., Stoll , H. Farias, P., Morellón, M., Corella, J.P., and Rico, M. 2009. The last deglaciation in the Picos de Europa National Park (Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain) Journal of Quaternary Science. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.1265

09-21 Zhao C, Yu ZC, Zhao Y and Ito E, 2009. Possible orographic and solar controls of late Holocene centennial-scale moisture oscillations in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters 36: L21705, DOI: 10.1029/2009GL040951.

09-22 Zhao C, Yu ZC, Ito E and Zhao Y., 2010. Holocene climate trend, variability, and shift documented bu lacustrine stable-isotope record in the northeastern United States. Quaternary Science Reviews. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.03.018.

09-23 Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B., Flavio Anselmetti, Daniel Ariztegui, Michael Schnellmann, Ana Moreno, Pilar Mata, Maite Rico, & Juan Pablo Corella. 2009. Late Quaternary deposition and facies model for karstic lake Estanya (NE Spain). Sedimentology 56:1505-1534.

09-24 Navas, A., Valero-Garcés, B.L., Gaspar, L. & Machin, J. 2009. Reconstructing the history of sediment accumulation in the Yesa reservoir: an approach for management of mountain reservoirs. Lake and Reservoir Management 25:15-27.

09-25 Martín-Puertas C., Valero-Garcés, B.L., Brauer A., Mata, M.P., Delgado-Huertas A, and Dulski P. 2009. The Iberian-Roman Humid Period (2600-1600 cal yr. BP) in the Zoñar Lake varve record (Andalucía, Southern Spain). Quaternary Research. 71:121-132

09-26 González-Sampériz, P.; P. Utrilla; C. Mazo; Valero-Garcés, B.; MC. Sopena; M. Morellón; M. Sebastián; A. Moreno& M. Martínez-Bea. 2009. Patterns of human occupation during the Early Holocene in the Central Ebro Basin (NE Spain): a response to the 8200 yr BP climate event. Quaternary Research. 71:121-132.

09-27 Morellón. M. Blas L.Valero-Garcés, Vegas-Villarubia, T., González-Sampériz, P-, Romero, O., Delgado-Huertas, A., Mata, P., Moreno, A., Rico, Mayte, Corella, J.P. 2009. Lateglacial and Holocene palaeohydrology in the western Mediterranean region: The Lake Estanya record (NE Spain). Quaternary Science Review. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.06.018

09-28 Laprida, C., Valero-Garcés, B.L. & Compagnucci, R. 2009. Cambios ambientales de épocas históricas en la pampa bonaerense en base a ostrácodos: historia hidrológica de la laguna de Chascomús. Ameghiniana. Asoc. Paleontol. Argent. 46 (1):95-111.

09-29 Moreno A, Stoll H, Jiménez-Sánchez M, Cacho I, Valero-Garcés B, Ito E, Edwards RL, 2009. A speleothem record of gloacial (25-11.6kyr) rapid climatic changes from northern Iberian peninsula. Global and Planetary Change, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.10.002.

09-30 Moreno A, López-Merino L, Leira M, Marco-Barba J, González-Sampériz P, Valero-Garcés B, López-Sáez JA, Santos Luisa, Mata P and Ito E, 2009. Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-009-9387-7.

09-31 Bischoff, J., Ramstack, J., Strom, J., Madejczyk, J., Edlund, M., Williamson, J., Shinneman, A.C. 2009. The complexities of developing excess nutrient TMDLs for shallow lakes. In Proceedings of the 2009 TMDL Conference, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia, pp 1073- 1098.

09-32 Edlund, M.B., Shinneman, A.L.C., Levkov, Z. 2009. Diatom biodiversity in Mongolia: A new amphoroid diatom from saline lakes in western Mongolia, Amphora soninkhishigae sp. nov. Acta Botanica Croatica 68(2): 251-262.

09-33 Edlund, M.B. and Soninkhishig, N. 2009. The Navicula reinhardtii species flock (Bacillariophyceae) in ancient Lake Hövsgöl, Mongolia: description of four taxa. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 135: 239-256.

09-34 Shinneman, A.L.C., Umbanhowar, C.E., Jr., Almendinger, J.E., Edlund, M.B. and Soninkhishig, N. 2009. Paleolimnologic evidence for recent eutrophication in the Valley of the Great Lakes (Mongolia). Ecosystems 12: 944-960. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-009-9269-x


08-01 Myrbo, A., 2008. Sedimentary and historical context of eutrophication and remediation in urban Lake Mccarrons (Roseville, Minnesota). Lake and Reservoir Management

08-02. Blyakharchouk, T.C., Wright, H.E., Borodavko, P.S., van der Knaap, W.O., and Ammann, B., 2008. The role of pingos in the developmeny of the Dzhangyskol lake-pingo comp[lex, central Altai Mountains, southern Siberia.. Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology, Paleoecology 257, 404- 420..

08-03. Bookman, R., Driscoll, C.T., Engstrom, D.R., and Effler, S.W., 2008 Local to regional emission sources affecting mercury fluxes to New York lakes. Atmospheric Environment 42, 6088-6097..

08-04 Krцpelin, S., Verschuren, D.,. Lezine, A.M., Eggermont, H., Cocquyt, C., Francus, P., Cazet, J.P., Fagot, M., Rumes, B., Russell, J.M., Darius, F., Conley, D.J., Schuster, M., von Suchodoletz, H., and Engstrom, D.R., 2008 Climate-driven ecosystem succession in the Sahara: the past 6000 years. Science 320: 765-768.

08-05 Triplett, L.D.,. Engstrom, D.R., Conley, D.J., and Schellhaass., S,M,, 2008. Silica fluxes and trapping in two contrasting natural impoundments of the upper Mississippi River. Biogeochemistry 87: 217-230.

08-06 Smucker, N.J., Edlund, M.B., and Vis, M.L.,2008 The distribution, morphology, and ecology of a non-native diatom, Thalassiosira lacustris (Bacillariophyceae), from benthic stream habitats in North America. Nova Hedwigia 87: 201-220.

08-07 Levkov, Z., Edlund, M. B., and Nakov, T., 2008. The identity, distribution and lectotypification of Navicula hasta Pantocsek (Bacillariophyceae). Phycological Research 56: 46-57

08-08 Givnish, T.J., Volin, J.C., Owen, V.C. Muss, J.D.,, and Glaser, P.H., 2008. Vegetation differentiation in thein the patterned landscapeof the central Everglades: importance of local and landscape drivers. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17, 384-402.

08-09 Chanton, J. P., Glaser, P.H., Chasar, L.S., Burdige, D.J., Hines, M.E., Siegel, D.I., Tremblay, L.B., and Cooper, W.T., 2008. Radiocarbon evidence for the importance of surface vegetation on fermentation and methanogenesis in contrasting types of boreal peatlands, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22: GB4022, doi:10.1029/2008GB003274.

08-10. Ito, E., Forester, R.M., 2009. Changes in continental ostracode shell chemistry; uncertainty of cause. Hydrobiologia, 620, 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-008-9622-7.

08-11 Shapley, M.D.,. Ito, E. and Donovan, J.J., 2009. Late Glacial and Holocene hydroclimate inferred from a groundwater flow-through lake, northern Rocky Mountains, USA.. The Holocene, 19,523-535. DOI: 10.1177/0959683609104029

08-12 Wright, H.E., 2008. History of research.. In The Palaeoecology of Lake Zeribar and surrounding areas, Western Iran, during the last 48,000 years , Diatom Monographs 8 (K. Wasylikowa and A. Witkowski, Editors), 11-16... Koeltz Scientific Books, Konigstein, Germany

08-13. Wright, H.E., 2008. Geologic and climatic setting of the sites. In The Palaeoecology of Lake Zeribar .(p.17-22 as in 08-12 above)

08-14. Wright, H.E., and Wasylikowa, K., 2008. Coring and sampling methods . In The Palaeoecology of Lake Zeribar (p. 31-37 in 08-12 above)

08-15. Wasylikowa, K., and Wright, H.E., 2008. Description of sediments. In Palaeoecology of Lake Zeribar (p.37-31 in 08-12 above).

08-16 Stevens, L.R., Ito, E., and Wright, H.E., 2008. Variations in effective moisture at Lake Zeribar, Iran,, during the last glacial period and Holocene, inferred from the δ18O values of authigenic calcite. In The Palaeoecology of Lake Zeribar (p. 283-303 in 08-12 above).

08-17 Wasylikowa, K., van Zeist., W., Wright, H.E., Stevens L.R., Witkowsky, A, Walanus, A.,Hutorowicz, S.W., Aleksandrowicz, S.W., and Langer, J.J., 2008. The Lake Zeribar palaeoecology: a synthesis. In The Palaeowcology of Lakw Zweribar (p.303-337 in 08-12 above).

08-18. Soninkhishig, N., Edlund, M. B. & Czarnecki, D. B. 2008. The type, taxonomy and distribution of Anomoeoneis fogedii Reimer. In: Likhoshway, Ye. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th International Diatom Symposium. Biopress Ltd, Bristol. pp 83-90.

08-19. James, R.I., Chimney, M.S., Sharistein, B.,Engstrom, D.R., Schottler, S.P., East, T., and Jin, K-R. 2008. Hurricane effects on a shallow lake ecosystem: Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 172, 273-287.

08-20 Chen FH, Yu ZC, Yang ML, Ito E, Wang SM, Madsen DB, Huang XZ, Zhao Y, Sato T, Birks HJB, Boomer I, Chen JH, An CB and Wünnemann B, 2008. Holocene moisture evolution in arid central Asia and its out-of-phase relationship with Asian monsoon history. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27:351-364

08-21 Zhao Y, Yu ZC, Chen FH, Liu XJ and Ito E, 2008. Sensitive response of desert vegetation to moisture change based on a near-annual resolution pollen record from Gahai Lake in the Qaidam basin, northwest China. Global and Planetary Change, 62: 107-114, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.12.003.


07-01. Shapley. M.D., Ito, E. and Donovan, J.J., 2008. Isotopic evolution and climate paleorecords: modeling boundary effects in groundwater- Journal of Paleolimnology 39, 17-22

07-02. Person, M., Roy, P., Wright. H., Gutowski, W., Ito. E. Winter, T., Rosenberry, D., and Cohen D., 2007. Hydrologic response of the Crow Wing Watershed, Minnesota, to mid-Holocene climate change. Geological Society of America Bulletin.119, 363-376.

07-03. Hotchkiss, S.,. Calcote, R., Lynch, E.A., 2007. Response of vegetation and ftre to Little Ice Age climate change: Regional continuity and landscape heterogeneity. Landscape Ecology.22, 25-41.

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07-05. Blyakharchouk, T., Wright, H.E., Borodavko, P.S., Van der Knaap, W.O., and Ammann, B., 2007. Late Glacial and Holocene vegetational history of the Altai Mountains (southwestern Tuva Republic, Siberia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 245:518-534.

07-06. Glaser, P.H., and Griffith, M., 2007. A field extruder for rapidly sectioning near-surface cores ITom lakes and wetlands. Journal of Paleolinmology 38:455-466.

07-07 Drevnick, P.E., Canfield, D.E., Gorski, P.R. Shinneman, A,LC., Engstrom, D.R., Muir, D.C.G., Smith, G.R., Garrison, P.J., Cleckner, L.B.. Hurley, J.P., Noble, R.B., Otter, R.R., and Oris, J.T., 2007. Deposition and cycling of sulfur controls mercury accumulation in Isle Royale fish. Environmental Science and Technology 41:7266-7272.

07-08 Engstrom, D.R., Swain, E.B. and Balogh, S.J., 2007. History of mercury inputs to Minnesota lakes: influences of watershed disturbance and localized atmospheric deposition. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 2467-2483.

07-09 Milner, A.M., Fastie, C.L., Chapin, F.S., Engstrom, D.R., and Sharman,L.C.,. 2007. Interactions and linkages among ecosystems during landscape evolution. Bioscience 57:327-247.

07-10 Engstrom, D.R. 2007. Fish respond when the mercury rises. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 16394-16395.

07-11 Biester, H., Bindler, R., Martinez-Cortizas, A., and Engstrom, D.R., 2007.Modeling the past atmospheric deposition of mercury using natural archives. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 4851-4860.

07-12 Lindberg, S.E., Bullock, O.R., Ebinghaus, R., Engstrom, D.R., Feng, X., Fitzgerald, W.F., Pirrone, N., Prestbo, E.M., and Seigneur. C., 2007. A synthesis of progress and uncertainties in attributing the sources of mercury in deposition. Ambio 36: 19-32.

07-13 Krabbenhoft, R., Engstrom, D.R., Gilmour, C., Harris, R., Hurley, J., and Mason, R.,1007. Monitoring and evaluating trends in sediment and water indicators. In Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination (R. Harris, D.P. Krabbenhoft, R. Mason, M.W.Murray, R.Reash, and T. Saltzman, editors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 47-86.

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06-02. Siegel, D. I., Glaser. P. H. So, J., and. Janecky, D.R, 2006. The dynamic balance between organic acids and circurnneutral groundwater in a large boreal peat basin. Journal of Hydrology 320, 421-431

06-03. Reeve, A.S., Evensen, R, Glaser, P.H., Siegel, D.I., Rosenberry, D.O., 2006. Flow path oscillations in transient ground-water simulations of large peat1and systems. Journal of Hydrology 316, 313-324.

06-04. Cohen, D., Person, M., Daannen, R, Locke, S., Dahlstrom, D., Zabielski. V., Winter, T.C., Rosenberry, D.O., Wright. H., Eto, E., Nieber, J.J., and Gutowski, W.J., 2006. Groundwater- supported evapotranspiration within gJaciatffi watersheds under conditions of climate change. Journal of Hydrology 320, 484-500.

06-05. Westover, K S., Fritz, S.C., Blyakharchuk. T.A., and Wright. H.E., 2006. Diatom paleolimnological record of Holocene climatic and environmental change in the Altai Mountains, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology 33, 519-541.

06-06. Lynch, E.A., Calcote, R. and Hotchkiss, S., 2006 . Late-Holocene vegetation and fire history from Ferry Lake, northwestern Wisconsin, USA The Holocene 16:495-504.

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06-08. Edlund, M. B., 2006. Persistent low diatom plankton diversity within the otherwise highly diverse Lake Baikalecosystem. In Microalgal Biology, Evolution and Ecology (Crawford, RM., Moss, B., and Mann, D.G., eds). Nova Hedwigia 130:339-356.

06-09. Edlund, M. B., and Spaulding, S. A., 2006. Initial observations on uniparental auxosporulation in Muelleria (Frenguelli) Frenguelli and Scoliopleura Grunow (Bacillariophyceae). In Festschrift in honour of Dr. Dobrina Temniskova-Topalova: Fossil and Recent Phycological Studies (Ognjanova-Rumenova, N. and Manoylov, K ,eds). Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow, pp 211- 223.

06-10. Wolfe, A P., Edlund, M. B., Sweet, A R,. and Creighton, S. D., 2006. A first account of organelle preservation in Eocene nonmarine diatoms: Observations and paleobiological implications. Palmos 21: 298-304.

06-11. Edlund, M. R. Levkov, Z., Soninkhishig, N., Kristic, S., and Nakov, T. 2006. Diatom species flocks in large ancient lakes: the Navicula reinhardtii complex from Lakes Hövsgöl (Mongolia) and Prespa (Macedonia). In: Witkowski, A (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Diatom Symposium Biopress Ud, pp 61-74

06-12. Edlund, M. B., Morales, E. A ,and Spaulding, S. A, 2006. The type and taxonomy of Fragilaria elliptica Schumann, a widely misconstrued taxon. In Proceedings of the 18th International Diatom Symposium (Witkowski, A ed.). Biopress Ud., pp 53-59.

06-13. Jeremiason, J.D., Engstrom. D.R., Swain, E.B., Nater, EA,. Johnson, B.M., Almendinger, J.E., Monson, BA, and Kolka, RK., 2006. Sulfate addition increases methylmercury production in an experimental wetland. Environmental Science and Teclmology 40: 3800-3806.

06-14. Wiener, J.G., Knights, B.C., Sandheinrich, M.B., Jeremiason, J.D. Brigham, M.E., Engstrorn, D.R., Woodruft,: L..G., Cannon, W.F., and. Balogh, S.J, 2006. Mercury in soils, lakes, and fish in Voyageurs National Park (Minnesota): importance of atmospheric deposition and ecosystem factors. Environmental Science and Technology 40, 6261-6268.

06-15. Engstrom, D.R, Schottler, S.P., Leavitt, P.R., and Havens., K.E., 2006. A re-evaluation of the cultural eutrophication of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, using multiproxy sediment records. Ecological Applications 16: 1194-1206.

06-16. Schottler. S.P., and Engstrom, D.R., 2006. A chronological assessment of Lake Okeechobee sediments using multiple dating markers. Journal of Paleolimnology 36, 19-36.

06-17. Engstrom, D.R., and Fritz, S.C., 2006. Coupling between primary tenestrial succession and the trophic development of lakes at Glacier Bay, Alaska. Journal of Paleolimnology 35: 873-880.

06-18. Kelley, D. W., Brachfeld, SA, Nater, EA, and Wright. H.E., 2006. Sources of sediment in Lake Pepin on the upper Mississippi River in response to Holocene climatic changes. Journal of Paleolimnology 35, 193-206.

06-19. Stefanova, I., Atanassova, J., Delcheva, M., and Wright. H.E., 2006. Chronological framework for the Late Glacial pollen and macrofossil sequence in the Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria: Lake Besbog and Lake Kremensko-5. The Holocene 16, 1-16

06-20. Stefanova, I., Lazarova, M., and Wright. H.E.. 2006. Elevational gradients during the Lateglacial/Holocene vegetational transition. Vegetational History and Archaeobotany 15, 215-230.

06-21. Stevens, L.R., Ito, E. Schwalb,. A ,and Wright, H.E., Jr., 2006. Timing of atmospheric precipitation in the Zagros Mountains inferred from a multi-proxy record ftom Lake Mirabad, Iran. Quaternary Research 66, 494-500.

06-22. Diffenbaugh, N. S., Ashfaq, M., Shuman.,. B.,. Williams, J. W.,. Bartlein, P.J., 2006. Summer precipitation in the United States: Response to Mid-Holocene changes in insolation, ocean mean- state, and ocean variability. Geophysical Research Letters. 33, L227 I 2, doi: 10.1 029/2006GL0280 12.

06-23. Shuman. B., Huang, Y., Newby, P.,. and Wang. Y., 2006. Compound-specific isotopic analyses track changes in the seasonality of precipitation in the northeastern United States at ca. 8200 cal yr BP. Quaternary Science Reviews 25,: 2992-3002.

06-24. Shuman. B., and Finney. B.,. 2006. Late-Quaternary lake-level changes in North America. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, (S. Elias, ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

06-25. Williams. J. W,.. Shuman. B.P, Bartlein, P.J., Whitmore, J., Gajewski, K., Sawada, M., Minckley, T., Shafer, S., Viau, AE., Webb, T. III, Anderson, P.M., Brubaker, L.B.,. Whitlock, C., and Davis, O.K.,. 2006. An atlas of pollen-vegetation -climate relationships for the United States and Canada. . American Association of Stratigrapmc Palynologists Foundation, Dallas, Texas,.

06-26. Shuman. B., and Donnelly, J.P., 2006. . The influence of seasonal precipitation and temperature regimes on lake levels in the northeastern United States during the Holocene. Quaternary Research 65: 44-5

06-27. Sugita, S. Parshall, T, and Calcote. R.. 2006. Detecting differences in vegetation among paired sites using pollen records. The Holocene 16, 1123-1135.

06-28. Foster, D.R., Oswald, W.W., Kaison, E.K., Doughty, E.D., and Hansen. B.C.S., 2006. A climatic driver for abrupt mid-Holocene vegetation dynamics and the hemlock decline in New England. Ecology 87, 2959-2966.

06-29. Grimm, E. C., Watts, W.A., Jacobson, G.L., Jr., Hansen.B.C.S., Almquist, H.R., and Dieffenbacher-Krall, A.C., 2006. Evidnece for warm wet Heinrich events in Florida. Quarternary Science Reviews.25:2197-2211.

06-30. Hansen. B.C.S.. 2006. Setting the stage: Fossil pollen, stomata, and charcoal. Chapter 6 in The First Floridians (D. Webb, ed.) Springer Verlag, The Netherlands, p.159-179.

06-31. Myrbo, A, and Shapley, M.D., 2006. Seasonal water-column dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon stable isotopic composition (δ13CDIC) in small hardwater lakes in Minnesota and Montana. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 2699-2714.

06-32. Wright, H.E., 2006. Climate and biota of eastern North America. In Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 3, Environment, Origins, and Population (D.W. Ubelaker, ed.)., 99-109. Smithsonian Institution, Washington

06-33. Glaser. P.H.. Siegel, D.I., Reeve, A.S., and Chanton, J.P.2006. The hydrology oflarge peat basins in North America. In Peatland basin evolution and depository of records on global environmental and climatic changes (I.P Mrtina, A Marininez Cortizas, and W. Chesworth, eds.). 347-376. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

06-34. Bleuten, W., Borren, W. Glaser. P.H., Tsuchihara, T., Lapshina, E., MJdciI,Q, M, Siegel, D., Joosten, H., Wassen, M.L. 2006 Hydrological processes, nutrient flows, and patterns offens and bogs. In Wetlands and Natural Resource Management Ecological Studies Vol. 190. J.T.A Verhoeven, B. HeItman, R. Bobbink, and D.E. Whigman (Eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin- Heidelberg. pp. 183-204.

06-35. Edlund, M. R., Brant,L.A., Levkov, Z.,., and Nakov, T. 2006. An emended description of Decussata (Patrick) Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin that includes protoplast organization and detailed valve and eingulum ultrastructure. Diatom Research 21, 269-280.lotata

06-36. McKenzie, J.M., Siegel, D.I., D.O. Rosenberry, Glaser, P.H., and C. Voss. 2006. Heat transport in the Red Lake Bog, Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands. Hydrological Processes 21:369-378.

06-37. Wang XF, Auler RS, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Ito E, Solheid M (2006) Interhemispheric Anti- phasing of Rainfall during the Last Glacial Period. Quaternary Science Reviews. 25:3391-3403. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.02.009


05-01. Chanton, J.P., Chaser, L.C., Glaser. P. H. and Siegel, D.I., 2005. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic effects in microbial methane in the terrestrial environments. In Stable Isotopes and Biospheere- Atmosphere Interactions (LB. Flanagan, J.R.Ehleringer, and D.E. Pataki, eds.) Physiological Ecology Series, Elsevier-Academic Press, Amsterdam.

05-02. Shapley, M.D., Ito, E., and Donovan, J.J., 2005. Authigenic calcium carbonate flux in groundwater-controlled lakes: Implication for lacustrine paleoclimate records. Geochimica et.Cosmochimica Acta 69, 2517-2533.

05-03. Shapley, M.D., Johnson, W.D., Engstrom, D.R., amd Ostercamp, W.R., 2005. Late Holocene flooding and drought in the Northern Great Plains reconstructed from tree rings, lake sediments, and ancient shorelines. The Holocene 15, 29-41

05-04. Wright. H.E.. BIyakharchuk, TA, Velichko, AA, and Borisova, O.K., editors of English edition of AA Velichko and V.P. Nechaev, 2005. Cenozoic Climatic and Environmental Changes in Russia, Geological Society of America Special Paper 382.

05-05. Wright, H.E., 2005. Contrasts in the Quaternary of mid-North America and mid-Eurasia: notes of Quaternary landscapes of western Siberia. Journal of Quaternary Science 20, 813-819.

05-06. Wasylikowa, K., 2005. Paleoecology of Lake Zeribar, Iran, in the Pleniglacial, Late Glacial, and Holocene reconstructed limn plant macrofossils. The Holocene 15,7 20-735.

05-07. Wasylikowa, K. and Walanus, A., 2005. Timing of aquatic and marsh-plant successions in different parts of Lake Zeribar, Iran, during the Late Glacial and Holocene. Acta Palaeobotanica 44, 129-140.

05-09. Wolfe, A P. and Edlund, M. B., 2005. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and paleoecology of Eoseira wilsonii gen. et sp. nov., a middle Eocene diatom ( ftom lake sediments at Horsefly, British Columbia, Canada. CanadianJournaJ of Earth Sciences 42: 243-257.

05-10. Fitzgerald, W.F., Engstrom, D.R., Lamborg, C.H., Tseng, C.M., Balcom, P., and Hammerschmid, C.B., 2005. Modem and historic atmospheric mercury fluxes in northern Alaska: global sources and Arctic depletion Environmental Science and Technology 39: 557-568.

05-11. Engstrom, D.R., 2005. Long-term changes in iron and phosphorus sedimentation in Vadnais Lake, Minnesota, resulting from ferric chloride addition and hypolimnetic aeration. Lake and Reservoir Management 21:96-106.

05-12. Shuman. B., Bartlein, P.J., and Webb, T. III, 2005.. The magnitudes of millermial- and orbital- scale climatic change in eastern North America during the late-Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 2194-220605

05-13. Shuman. B., Newby, P., Donnelly, J., Tarbox, A, and Webb, T. III, 2005.. A record of la1e- Quaternary moisture-balance change and vegetation response in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 95, 237-248.

05-14. Whitmore, J., Gajewski, K, Sawada, M., Williams, J. W., Shuman. B., Bartlein, P.J., MinckJey, T., Viau, A.B., Webb, T. III, Anderson, P., and Brubaker, L., 2005. . North American and Greenland modem pollen data for multi-scale paleoenvironmental applications. Quaternary Science Reviews 24,: 1828-1848.

05-15. Rosenberry, D.O., Glaser. P.H., and Siegel, D.I., 2005. The hydrology of northern peatlands as affected by biogenic gas: current developments andresearch trends. Hydrological Processes 20, 3601-3510.

05-16. Brown, K.J., Grimm,E.C., Donovan, J.J., Mueller, P.G., Hansen, B.C.S.. and Stefanova, I.. 2005. Fire cycles in North American interior grasslands and their relation to prairie drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102, 8865-8870.

05-17. Bush, M.B., and Hansen, B.C.S., 2005. A 17 ,000-year history of Andean climale and vegetation change from Laguna de Chochos, Peru. Journal of Quaternary Science 20, 703-714.

05-18. Bixby, RJ., Edlund, M.B., and Stoermer, E.F., 2005. Hannaea superiorensis sp. nov., an endemic diatom nom the Laurentian Great Lakes. DiatomResearch 20: 227-240.


04-01. Wright, H.E., Stefanova, I., Tian, J, Brown, TA, and Hu, F.S., 2004. A chronologic ftamework for The Holocene vegetational history of central Minnesota. Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 611-626.

04-02. Glaser. P.H., Hansen. B.C. S., Siegel, D.I., Reeve, AS., and Morin, P. J, 2004. Rates, pathways, and drivers for peatland development in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, northern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Ecology 92, 1036-1053.

04-03. Glaser. P.H., Siegel, D.I., Reeve, AS., and Janecky, D.l, 2004. Tectonic drivers for vegetation patterning and landscape evolution in the Albany River region of the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Journal of Ecology 92, 1054-1070.

04-04. Glaser. P.H., Chanton, J.P., Morin, P J., Roseoberry, D.O., Siegel, D.l, Ruud,O., Chasar, I, and Reeve, AS., 2004. Seasonal droughts drive major degassing events in boreal peatlands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18, GB1003, doi:10.1029/2003GB002069.

04-05. Wright, H.E.,,and Stefanova, I., 2004. “Plant trash"in the basal sediments of glacial lakes. Acta Palaeobotanica 44, 141-146.

04-06. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M., LataIowa, M., Wasylikowa, K., Toboski, K, Madeyska, E., Wright, H.E., Jr. and Turner, C., (eds.). 2004. Late Glacioal and Holocene History of Vegetation Based on Isopollen Maps. W, Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow.

04-07. Tseng, C.M., Lamborg, C.H., Fitzgerald, W.F., and Engstrom, D.R., 2004. Cycling of dissolved elemental mercury in Arctic Alaskan lakes. Geochmica Cosmochimica Acta 68: 1173-1184.

04-08. Fritz, S.C., Engstrom., D.R., and Juggins, S., 2004. Patterns of early lake evolution in boreal landscapes: a comparison of stratigraphic inferences with a modem chronosequence in Glacier Bay, Alaska. The Holocene 14: 828-840.

04-09. Ramstack, J.M, Fritz, S.C., and Engstrom, D.R., 2004. Twentieth-century water-quality trends in Minnesota lakes compared with pre-settlement variability. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 561-576.

04-10. Hines, N.A, Brezonik, P.L., and Engstrom., D.R.. 2004. Sediment and porewater profiles and fluxes of mercury and methylmercury in a small seepage lake in northern Minnesota. Environmental Science and Technology 38: 6610-6617.

04-11. Winkelmann, R K., Elzinga, C., Nelson, D. R, Edlund, M. B., and Sommerfeld, M.R,2004. The plankton of the St. Croix River in 2000, including tardigrades, a red alga, and Chrysophyceae. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19(2): 179-188.

04-12. Verschuren, D., Cumming, B. F.. and Laird. K.A. 2004. Quantitative reconstruction ofpast salinity variations in Afiican lakes using fossil midges (Diptera: chironomidae: assessment of inference models in space and time. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61, 986- 995.

04-13 Blyakharchouk, T.C., Wright, H.E., Borodavko, P.S., van der Knaap, W.O., and Ammann, B., 2004. Late Glacial and Holocene vegetatuional changes in the Ulagan high-mountain plateau, Altai Mountains, southern Siberia. Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology, Paleoecology209,258- 279.

04-14 Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M., Latalowa, M., Wasylikowa, K., Toboski, K., Madeyska, E., Wright, H.E., and Turner, C., Editors.,. 2004. Late Glacioal and Holocene History of Vegetation Based on Isopollen Maps. W, Szafer Institute of Botany, Polisjh Academy of Sciences, Krakow.

04-15 Mickler PJ, Banner JL, Stern L, Asmerom Y, R. Edwards RL and Ito E 2004. Stable isotope variations in modern tropical speleothems: Evaluating equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope effects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 68: 4381-4393.


03-01. Schnurrenberger, D., Russell, J. and Kelts, K.R., 2003. Classification oflacustrine sediments based on sedimentary components . Journal of Paleolimnology 29, 141-154.

03-02. Rosenberry, D.O., Glaser, P.H., Siegel, D.I., and Weeks, E..D., 2003. Use of hydraulic head to estimate volumetric gas content and ebullition flux in northern peatlands. Water Resources Research 39, 1066.

03-03. Wright, H.E., and Thorpe, J. T., 2003. Climatic change and the origin of agriculture in the Near East. In Global Change in the Holocene (Mackay, A, Battarbee, R., Birks, J., and Oldfield, F., eds.). London, Arnold. pp. 49-62.

03-04. Seltzer, G.O., Rodbell, D.T., and Wright. H.E.. eds., 2003. Late Quaternary paleoclimates of the southern tropical Andes and adjacent regions. Palaeogeography, Palaeolimatology, Palaeoecology 194,1-338,

03-05. Hansen, B.C.S., 2003. Late-glacial and Holocene vegetational history fimn two sites in the western Cordillera of southwestern Ecnador. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 194, 79-108.

03-06. Blyakharchuk, T.A., Wright, H.E., Borodavko, P.S., van der Knaap, W.M., and Ammann, B., 2003. The development of the landscape of the Central Altai Mountains in the Late Glacial and Holocen according to pollen data from three lakes on the Ulagan plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatiology, Palaeoecology 209, 259-279.

03-07. Ito, E. DeDeckker, P., and Eggins, S.M., 2003. Ostracodes and their shell chemistry. Implications for paleohyftology. In Trends in the Ostracode Biological and Geological Sciences (L.E. Park and AJ. Smith, eds.). The Paleontological Society Papers 9, 119-151

03-08. Gorham, E., Janssens, J.A, and Glaser, P.H., 2003. Rates ofpeat accumulation during the postglacial period in 32 sites1i-om Alaska to Newfoundland, with special evidence fiom northern Minnesota. Canadian Journal of Botany 81, 424-438.

03-09. Stefanova, I. and Wright. H.E., 2003. Holocene vegetational changes in Minnesota" midwestern United States. Phytologia Baltica 9, 249-252

03-10. Wright, H.E., Ammann, B., Stefanova, I., Atanassova, J., Margalitadze, N., Wick, L., and Blyakharchuk, T.A., 2003. Late-glacial and early-Holocene dry climates fimn the Balkan Peninsula to southern Siberia. In Aspects of Palynology and Paleoecology. Festschrift in honor of Elissaveta Bozilova (Tonkov, S. ed). Pensoft Publ., Sofia. pp. 249-252.

03-11. Calcote. R, 2003. Mid-Holocene climate and the hemlock decline. The Holocene 13, 215-216. 03-12. Morales, E.A., and Edlund, M.B., 2003. Studies on selected fragilarioid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from Lake Hovsgod, Mongolia. Phycological Research 51, 225-239,

03-13. Edlund, M. B., Williams, R M. and Soninkhishig, N., 2003. The planktonic diatom diversity of ancient Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Phycologia 42:232-260.

03-14. Soninkhishig, N., Edlund, M. B. and Peck, J. A, 2003. Diatom-based paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Lake Telmen for the last 6230 years. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 1, 55-68.

03-15. Fowell, S.J., Hansen, B.C.S., Peck, J.A., Khosbayar, P., and Ganbold, E., 2003. Mid to late Holocene climate evolution of the Lake Telmen Basin, North Central Mongolia, based on palynological data. Quaternary Research 59, 353-363.

03-16. Holmes, J.A, and Engstrom. D.R. 2003. Non-marine ostracod records of Holocene environmental change. In Global Change in The Holocene (A.MacKay, R. W. Battarbee, H.J.B.Birks, and F. Oldfield, eds.). Arnold, London. pp. 310-327.

03-17. Umbanhowar, C.E. Jr., Engstrom, D.R., and Bergman, B.C., 2003. Reconstructing eutrophication and phosphorus loading for Lake Volney: combining lake sediments and land-use history to establish natural baselines for management and restoration. Lake and Reservoir Management 19: 364-372.

03-18. Oswald, W.W., Anderson, P.M., Brubaker, L.B., Hu. F.S. and Engstrom, D.R.,. 2003. Representation of tundra vegetation by pollen in lake sediments of northem Alaska. Journal of Biogeography 30: 521-535.

03-19. Saros, J.E., Interlandi, S.J., Wolfe, AP. and Engstrom, D.R., 2003. Recent changes in the diatom community structure oflakes in the Beartooth Mountain Range, U.S.A. Arctic. Antarctic. & Alpine Research 35: 18-25.

03-20. Ramstack, JM., Fritz, S.C., Engstrom. D.R., and Heiskary, S.A, 2003. The application ofa diatom-based transfer function to evaluate regional water-quality trends in Minnesota since 1970. Journal of Paleolimnology 29,: 79-94.

03-21. Parshall, T., Foster, D.R, Paison, E., MacDonald, D., and Hansen, B.C.S., 2003. Long-term history of vegetation and fire in pitch Dine-oak forests on Cane Cod. Massachusetts. Ecology 84:736-748.

03-22. Rodbell, D. T., Young, K. R., Leon, B., Seltzer, G.O., and Abbott, M. 2003. Late-glacial and Holocene vegetational history nom two sites in the western Cordillera of southwestern Ecuador. Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 194,:79-108.


02-01. Yu, Z., Ito, E., and Engstrom, D.R., 2002. Water isotopic and hydrochemical evolution of a lake chain in the northern Great Plains and its paleoclimatic implications. Journal of Paleolimnology 28: 207-217.

02-02. Yu, Z., E. Ito. Engstrom. D.R., and Fritz. S.C., 2002. A 2100-year decadal-resolution trace- element and stable-isotope record from Rice Lake in the northern Great Plains. USA. The Holocene 12: 605-617.

02-03. Donovan, J. J., Smith, A.J., Panek, VA, Engstrom. D.R. and Ito, E., 2002. Climate-driven hydrologic transients in lake sediment records: calibration of groundwater conditions using 20th century drought. Quaternary Science Reviews 21: 605-624.

02-04. Smith A.J., Donovan, J.J., Ito, E., Engstrom, D.R, and Panek, V.A, 2002. Climate-driven hydrologic transients in lake -sediment records: multiproxy record of mid-Holocene drought. Quaternary Science Reviews 21,625-646.

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02-06. Verschuren, D., Johnson, T.C., Kling, H.J., Edgington, RJ., Leavitt, P.R., Brown, E.T., Talbot, M.R., and Hecky, R.F., 2002. History and timing of human impact on Lake Victoria, East Aftica. Royal Society of London Proceedings B 269, 289-294.

02-07. Glaser,. P.H., 2002. CA Weber's benchmark. treatise on the Augstumal bog: reflections on its impact and significance to peatland ecology. In CA Weber and the Raised Bog of Augstumal (J. Couwenberg and H. Joosten, eds.). International Mire Conservation Group and Grif & K, Tula, Russia.

02-08. Filby, S.K, Locke. S.M., Person, MA, Winter, T.C., Rosenberry, D.O., Nieber, J.L., Gutowski, W.J., and Ito, E. 2002. Mid-Holocene hydrologic model of the Shingobee River watershed, Minnesota. Quaternary Research 58, 246-254.

02-09. Ito, E., 2002. Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, δ18O and δ13C chemistry of Quatemary lacustrine Ostracoe shells ftom the North American continental interior. In The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternary Research (J.T. Holmes and AR. Chivas, eds.). Geophysical Monograph Series 131,65-97.

02-10. Kamman, N. C., and Engstrom, D.R., 2002. Historical and present fluxes of mercury to Vermont and New Hampshire lakes inferred ftom 210Pb dated sediment cores. Atmospheric Environment 36: 1599-1609.

02-11. Peck, J.A., Khosbayar P., Fowell, S.J., Pearce, R.B., Ariunbileg, S., Hansen, B.C.S., and Soninkhishig, N., 2002. Mid to Late Holocene climate change in north central Mongolia as recorded in the sediments of Lake Telmen. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 183, 135-153

02-12. Engstrom, D.R, and Wright. D.J., 2002. Sedimentological effects of aeration-induced lake circulation. Lake and Reservoir Management 18: 201-214.

02-13. Lamborg, C.H., Fitzgerald, W.F., Damman, A W.H., Benoit, J.M., Balcom, P.H., and Engstrom, D.R, 2002. Modem and historic atmospheric mercury fluxes in both hemispheres: global and regional mercury cycling implications. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16: 1104, doi:lO.l 029/200 1 GB1847.

02-14. Donovan, J.J., Smith, A.I., Engstrom, D.R., Ito, E. and Panek, V.A., 2002. Climate-driven hydrologic transients in lake-sediment records: calibration of groundwater conditions to the 20th century drought. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, 605-624.

02-15. Smith, A J., Donovan, J.J., Ito, E., Engstrom, D.R, and Panek, V.A. 2002. Climate-driven hydrologic transients in lake sediment records: multiproxy record of mid-Holocene drought. Quaternary Science Reviews 21: 625-646.

02-16. Maurice, PA, Cabaniss, S.E., Drummond, J., and Ito, E., 2002. Hydrogeochemical controls on the variations in chemical characteristics of natural organic matter at a small fteshwater wetland. Chemical Geology 187, 59-77.

02-17. Clark, Jt.S., Grimm, E.C. Donovan, J.J. Fritz. S.C., Engstrom. D.R. and Almendinger. J.E., 2002. Drought cycles and landscape responses to past aridity on prairies of the northern Great Plains, USA. Ecology 83,595-601.

02-18. Soninkhishig, N., Edlund, M.B.,, and Kim, Y.H., 2002. Freshwater algae of the Khogmokhaan Protected Area, with special emphasis on the diatoms.. In Ecosystem and Biodiversity of the Khognokhaan Protected Area, Mongolia (Y.H. Kim, ed.) The Korean Council for Conservation of Nature, Volume 15: 2000 Academic survey of Natural Environment of Mongolia, pp 175-211.


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Chasar, L.S., Chanton, J.P., Glaser. P.H., Siegel, D.I., and Rivers, J.S., 2001. Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopic evidence for transport and transformation of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, and CRt in a northern Minnesota peat1and. CH4 Global Geobiochemical Cycles 14, 1095-1108.

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Abbott, M.B., Finney, B.P., Edwards, M.E., and Kelts, K.R., 2000. Lake-level reconstruction and paleohydrology of Birch Lake, central Alska, based on seismic reflection profiles and core transects. Quaternary Research 53, 154-166.

Stevens, L.R., Ito, E. and Olson, D.E.L., 2000. Relationship ofMn carbonates in varved lake sediments to catcbment vegetation in Big Watab Lake, MN, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 24, 199-211.

Verschuren, D., Tibby, J., Sabbe, K., and Roberts, C.N., 2000. Effects oflake level, salinity and substrate on the invertebrate community of a fluctuating tropicallake. Ecology 81, 164-182

Shane, Linda C.K., Snyder, Gordon G., and Anderson, Katherine H. 2001. Holocene vegetation and climate changes in the Ohio region. In: Prufer, OH, Pedde, SE, and Meindl, RS – eds. Archaic Transitions in Ohio and Kentucky Prehistory, Kent State University Press, Kent pp. 11- 55.

Verschuren, D., Laird, K.R. and Cumming, B., 2000. Rainfall and drought in equatorial East Aftica during the past 1100 years. Nature 403, 410-414. 00-6.

Verschuren, D., 2000. Freeze coring soft lake sediments in tropical lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 24, 361-365.

Fritz, S.C., Ito, E., Yu, Z., Laird, K.R., and Engstrom. D.R, 2000. Hydrologic variation in the northern Great Plains during the last two millennia. Quaternary Research 53,: 175-184.

Cunningham, W.L., Leventer, A., Andrews, J.T., Jennings, A.E., and Licht, KI, 2000. Late Pleistocene-Holocene marine conditions in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: evidence IIom the diatom record. The Holocene 9, 129-139.

Birks, H.H., and Wright, H.E., 2000. Introduction. In Reconstructions of the late-glacial and early-Holocene aquatic ecosystems at Krakenes Lake, Norway (H.H. Birks and H.E. Wright, Jr. eds.). Journal of Paleolimnology 2, 1-6

Ito, E., 2000. Application of stable isotope techniques to inorganic and biogenic carbonates. In Tracking environmental Change Using Lake Sediments. Vol. 1. Physical and Chemical Techniques (W.M. Last and J.P. Smol, eds.).

Anderson, L., McEwan, R., Ito. E.,_and Abbott, M.B., 2000. Nickel tube pyrolysis oflake sediment cellulose:. accuracy, precision, and contamination space and time. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Studies in Geology 46, 648 p.

Tiller, C. and Kelts, K, 2000. A muddy view of Yellowstone and Lewis Lake history. 125th Anniversary of Yellowstone Park, Proceedings ???

Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., and Kelts, K, eds., 2000. Lake bassins through space and time. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Studies in Geology 46, 648 p.

Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K. and Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio.

Valero-Garces, B. L., Delgado Huertas, A, Navas, A, Machin, J., Gonzalez, P. and Kelts, K, 2000. Quaternary sedimentologic and isotopic evolution of playa lake: Salada Mediana, central Ebro Basin, Spain: Sedimentology 47, 1135-1156.

Valero-Garces. B.L., Grosjean, M., Schwalb, A., Schreier, H., Kelts, K. and Messerli, B., 2000. Late Quaternary lacustrine deposition in the Chilean Altiplano (E. Gierlowsi-Kordech and K. Kelts, eds.). American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Studies in Geology 46, 625-636

Ariztegui, D., Ansellrnetti, F., Seltzer, G.O., D'Agostino, K., and Kelts, K, 2000. Identifying paleoenvironmental change across South and North America using high-resolution seismic stratigraphy in lakes. In PAGES-PEP I Merida volume (V Markgraf: ed.),. pp. ???

Grosjean, M., van Leeuwen, J.F.N., van der Knaap, W.O., Geyh, M.A, Ammann, B., Tanner, W., Messerli, B., Valero-Garces. B. and Veit, H., 2000. A 22,000 14C yr BP sediment and pollen record of climate change nom Lagina Miscanti (23 S), northern Chile. Global and Planetary Change ???

Valero-Garces, B. L., Delgado-Huertas, A, Navas, A, Ratto, N., and Edwards, L., 2000. Paleohydrology of Andean saline lakes from sedimentological and isotopic records, nortthwestern Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology 24, 343-359.

Valero-Garces, B. L., Gonzalez-Samperiz, P., Delgado-Huertas, A, Navas, A., Machin, J., and Kelts, K., 2000. Late Glacial paleohydrology and vegetational change in Salada Mediana, central Ebro Basin, Spain. Quaternary International 73/74, 29-45.

Teed, R., 2000. A >130,000 –year long pollen record from Pittsburg Basin, Illinois. Quaternary Research 54, 264-274.

Hogan, J.F., Blum, J.D., Siegel, D.L., and Glaser, P.H., 2000. 87Sr/86Sr as a tracer of of groundwater discharge and precipitation recharge in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, northern Minnesota. Water Resources Research 36, 3701-3710.

Reeve, A.S., Siegel, D.I., and Glaser, P.H., 2000. Simulating vertical flow in large peatlands. Journal of Hydrology 227, 207-217.

Chasar, L.S., Chanton, I.P., Glaser, P.H., and Siegel, D.I., 2000. Methane concentration and stable-isotope distrubution as evidence of rhizosspheric processes: comparison of a fen and bog in the Glacial Lake Agassiz peatIand complex. Annals of Botany 86, 655-663.

Wright, H.E., 2000. Origin of the climate and vegetation of the Mediterranean area. In Light on Top of the Hill. Studies presented to Halet Cambel (G. Arsebuk, M.J. Melink, and Schirmer, eds.). Ege Publishing, Istanbul, pp. 765-774.

00-26,. Jackson, S.T., Webb, R.S., Anderson, K.H., Overpeck,. J.T., Webb, T. III, Williams, J. and Hansen, B.C.S. 2000. Vegetation and environment in eastern North Amenca durmg the Last Glacial Maxunum. Quaternary Science Reviews 19, 489-508.

00-27. Birks, H.H., and Wright, H.E., 2000. Introduction to the reconstruction of the late-glacial and early-Holocene aquatic ecosystems at Krakenes Lake, Norway. Journal of Paleolimnology 23, 1- 5.

00-28. Engstrorn, D.R., Fritz, S.C., Almendinger, J.E. and Juggins, S., 2000. Chemical and biological trends during lake evolution in recently deglaciated terrain. Nature.408: 161-166.

00-29. Frazier, B.E., Wiener, I.G., Rada, R.G., and. Engstrorn, D.R., 2000. Stratigraphy and historic acumulation of mercury in recent depositional sediments in the Sudbury River, Massachusetts, USA Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 1062-1072.

00-30. Edlund, M. B., Taylor, C. M., Schelske, C. L., and Stoermer, E. F., 2000. Thalassiosira baltica (Bacillariophyta), a new exotic species in the Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:610-615.

00-31. Edlund, M. B., Soninkhishig, N., Williams, R M,. and Stoermer, E. F., 2000. Taxonomy and morphology of Eunotia clevei. Diatom Research 15:209-219.

00-32. Edlund, M. B., and Stoermer, E. F., 2000. A 200,000-year, high-resolution record of diatom productivity and community makeup from Lake Baikal shows high correspondence to the marine oxygen-isotope record of climate change. Limnology and Oceanography 45:948-962.


99-01. Verschuren, D., 1999. Influence of depth and mixing regime on sedimentation in a fluctuating tropical soda lake. Limnology and Oceanography 44, 1103-1113.

99-02. Schwalb. A, Bums, S.L., and Kelts. K., 1999. Holocene environments from stable isotope stratigraphy of ostracods and authigenic carbonate in Chilean altiplano lakes.. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 148, 153-168.

99-03. Balogh, S.J, Engstrom, D.R., Almendinger, J.E., Meyer, J.L., and Johnson, D.K., 1999. A history of mercury loading in the upper Mississippi River reconstructed from the sediments of Lake Pepin. Environmental Science and Technology 33: 3297-3302.

99-04. Hairston, N.G., Jr., Perry, L.J., Bohonak, AJ., Fellows, M.Q., Kearns, C.M.,and Engstrom. D.R., 1999. Population biology of a failed invasion: paleolimnology of Daphnia exilis in upstate New York . Limnology and Oceanography 44: 477-486.

99-05. Engstrom, D.R, 1999. Population biology of a failed invasion: paleolimnology of Daphnia exilis in upstate New York. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 477-486.

99-06. Verschuren, D., Cocquy, T., Tibby, J., Roberts. N., and Leavitt, P., 1999. Long-term dynamics of alga1 and invertebrate communities in a small fluctuating tropical soda lake. Limnology and Oceanography 44, 1216-1231.

99-07. Verschuren, D., 1999. Sedimentation controls on the preservation and time resolution of sedimetary climate-proxy records :fTom shallow fluctuating lakes. Quaternary Science Reviews 18, 821-837.

99-08. Hu, F.S, Slawinski, D., Wright, H.E., Jr., Ito, E., Johnson, RG., Kelts. K.R, McEwan, R.F. and Boedigheimer. A, 1999. Abrupt Climate Changes in North American mid continenl during early Holocene Nature 400, 437-439.

99-09. Glaser, P.H., 1999. The distribution and origin of mire pools. In Patterned mires and mire pools (V. Standen, J.H. Tallis, and R Meade, eds.). British Ecological Society Special Symposium.

99-10. Yu, Z. and Ito, E., 1999. Possible solar forcing of century-scale drought :frequency in the Northern Great Plains. Geology 27, 263-266.

99-11. Valero-Garces, B.L., Grosjean, M., Schreier, H., Kelts, K., and Messerli, B., 1999. Holocene lacustirne deposition in Atacama Altiplano: facies models, climate and tectonic orcing.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 151, 101 125

99-12. Hairston, N.O., Jr., Perry, L.J., Bohonak, A.J., Fellows, M.Q., Kearns, C.M., and. Engstrom, D.R., 1999. Population biology of a failed invasion: paleolimnology of Daphnia exilis in upstate New York. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 477-486.

99-13. Verschuren, D., Tibby, J., Leavitt, P., and Roberts, C. N., 1999. The environmental history of climate-sensitive lake in the former "White Highlands" of central Kenya. Ambio 28, 494-501.


98-01. Beuning. KR.M.. Kelts. K, and Stager, J. C., 1998. Abrupt climatic change associated with the arid Younger Dryas interval in East Afiica. In Environmental Change and Response in East Afiican Lakes (1.T. Lehman, ed.). Kluwer, Mongr. Biol. 79, 147-156.

98-03. Rivers, J.S., Siegel, D.I., Glaser, P.H., Chanton, J.,P., Stalder, L, and Roulet. N., 1998. A stochastic appraisal of the annual inorganic and organic carbon budget of a large circumboreal peat1and, Rapid River Watershed, northern Minnesota. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 12, 715- 728.

98-04. Johnson, T.C., Chan, Y., Beuning. K, Kelts, K, Ngobi. G.. and Verschuren.. D.. 1998. Biogenic silica profiles in Holocene cores from Lake Victoria: implications for lake-level history and initiation of the Victoria Nile. In Environmental Change and Response of East Afiican lakes (J.T. Lehman, ed.), 75-88. Kluwer.

98-05. Verschuren., D., Edgington, D.N., Kling, H.J. and Johnson, T.C., 1998. Silica deposition in Lake Victoria: sedimentary signals at offihore stations. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24, 118-130.

98-06. Garcia Rutz, 1.M., and Valero-Garces, B.L., 1998. Historical geomorphic processes and human activities in the central Spanish Pyrenees. Mountain Research and Development 18, 309-320

98-07. Cunningham, W.L. and Leventer, A., 1998. Distribution of diatom assemblages in surface sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica: relationship to modern oceanographic conditions. Antarctic Science 10, 134-146.

98-08. Leventer. A, 1998. The fate ofse ice diatoms and their use as paleoenvironmental indicators. In Antarctic Sea Ice: Biological Processes (M.P. Lizotte and K.R. Arrigo, eds.). American Geophysical Union, Antarctic Research Series 73,121-139.

98-09. Stevens, L.R. and Ito, E., 1998. Isotopes as indicators of environmental change. In Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology (C. Kendall and J.J. McDonnell, eds.). Elsevier B. V., Amsterdam,. pp. 761-816.

98-10. Valero-Garces, B., Zeroual, E. and Kelts, K.R., 1998. Arid phases in the western Mediterranean region during the last Glacial cycle reconstructed from lacustrine records. In: Paleohydrology and Environmental Change (Benito, G., Baker, Y.R, Gregory, KJ., eds.). Wiley, Chicester, UK. pp 62-82.

98-11. Schwalb, A., Hadon, P., Thew, N., and Straub, F., 1998. Evidence for late-glacial and Holocene environmental changes from fossil assemblages in sediments fTom Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 140, 307-323.

98-12. Hu, F.S., Hedges, G,J,, Gordon, E.S. and Brubaker, L., 1998. Lignin biomarkers and pollen in the post-glacial sediment of an Alaskan Lake. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

98-13. Laird, K.R., Fritz, S.C., Cumming, B.F.., and Grimm,. E.C., 1998. Early Holocene limnological and climatic variability in the Northern Great Plains. The Holocene 8, 275-286.

98-14. Laird, K.R., Fritz, S.C., and Cumming, B.F., 1998. A diatom-based reconstrution of drought intensity, duration, and frequency from Moon Lake, North Dakota: a sub-decadal record of the last 2300 years. Journal of Paleolimnology 19, 161-179.

98-15. Hu, F.S., Ito, E., Brubaker, L.B., and Anderson, P.M., 1998. Ostracode geochemical record of Holocene climatic change and implications for vegetational response in the nothwestern Alaska Range. Quaternaty Research 49, 89-95.

98-16. Wright, H.E., Lease, K., and Johnson, S., 1998. Glacial River Warren, Lake Pepin, and the environmental history of southeastern Minnesota. In Contributions to Quaternary Studies in Minnesota. (C.l Patterson and H.E. Wright, Jr. eds.). Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 49,131-140.

98-17. Fitzgerald, W.F., Engstrom, D.R, Mason, R.P., and Nater, E.A, 1998. The case for atmospheric mercury contamination in remote areas. Environmental Science and Technology 32: 1-7.

98-18. Brezonik, P.L, and Engstrom, D.R., 1998. Modern and historic accumulation rates of phosphorus in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Journal of Paleolimnology 20: 31-46.

98-22. N'Gobi, G., Kelts, K.R., Johnson, T.C., and Solheid. P., 1998. Environmental magnetism oflate PleistoceneIHolocene sequences fTom Lake Victoria, East Afiica. In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes (J.T. Lehman, ed.). Kluwer, Mongr. Biol. 79, 59-74.


97-01. Engstrom, D.R., and Swain, E.B., 1997. Recent declines in atmospheric mercury deposition in the upper Midwest. Environmental Science and Technology 31: 960-967.

97-02. Xia, J., Haskell B.J., Engstrom. D.R. and Ito. E., 1997 . Holocene climate reconstructions from tandem trace-element and stable-isotope composition of ostracodes from Coldwater Lake, North Dakota, U.SA. Jaurnal of Paleolimnology 17: 85-100.

97-03. Xia, J., Engstrom, D.R., and Ito. E., 1997. Geochemistry of ostracode calcite: Part 2. The effects oflake-water chemistry and seasonal temperature variation on Candona rawsoni. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61: 383-391.

97-04. Xia, J., Ito, E. and Engstrom.D.R, 1997. Geochemistry of ostracode calcite: Part 1. An experimental detennination of oxygen isotope fractionation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61: 377-382.

97-05. Beuning, K.R.M., Talbot, M.R., Kelts, K, and Livingstone, D. A, 1997. A revised 30,000 year paleoclimatic and paleohydrologic history of Lake Albert. East Afiica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology; Palaeoecology 136,259-279.

97-06. Whitmore, T.1., Brenner, M., Zhiwen, J., Curtis, 1.H., Moore, A.M., Engstrom, D.R., and Yuan, W., 1997. Water Quality and sediment geochemistry in lakes of Yunnan Province, southern China. Environmental Geology 32: 45-55.

97-07. Verschuren, D., and Marnell, L.F., 1997. Fossil zooplankton and the historcal status of west slope cutthroat trout in a subalpine headwater lake of Glacier National Park, Montana. American Fisheries Society Transactions 125,21-34.97-8.

97-08. Card, V.M., 1997. Varve-counting by the annual pattern of diatom accumulation in the sediment of Big Watab Lake, Minnesota, AD. 1837-1990. Boreas 26,81-160

97-09. Valero-Garces, B.L., Laird, K.R., Fritz, S.C., Kelts, K.R., Ito. E., and Grimm, E.C., 1997. Holocene climate in the northern Great Plains inferred from sedimentary stratigraphy, stable isotopes, carbonate geochemistry, diatoms and pollen at Moon Lake, North Dakota, USA Quaternary Research 48, 359-369.

97-10. Hu, F.S., Wright, H.E., Ito, E., and Lease, K., 1997. Climatic effects of Glacial Lake Agassiz in the midwestern United States during the last deglaciation. Geology 25, 207-210.

97-11. Glaser, P.H., Siegel, D.L, Romanowicz, E.A., and Shen, Y.P., 1997. Regional linkages between raised bogs and the climate, groundwater, and landscape of north-western Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 85, 3-16.

97-12. Anderson, W. T., Mullins, H. T., and Ito, E.,1997. Stable-isotope record fTom Seneca Lake, New York: Evidence for a cold paleoclimate following the Younger Dryas. Geology 25, 135-138.

97-13. Baker, A, Ito, E.,Smart, P.L. and McEwan, R.F., 1997. Elevated and variable values of 13C in speleothems in a B'itish cave system. Chemical Geology 136, 263-270.

97-14. Smith, A.J., Donovan, J.J., Ito, E., and Engstrom, D.R., 1997 Groundwateroceses controlling a prairie lake's response to middle Holocene drought. Geology 25, 391-395

97-15. Locke, S.M. and Schwalb, A. 1997. Sediment stratigraphy and paleolimnological characteristics of Williams and Shingobee Lakes. In Hydrological and Biogeochemical Research in the Shingobee River Headwaters Area, North-centra1 Minnesota (T.C. Winter, ed.), 1997. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resarch Investigations Report 96-4215.

97-16. Verschuren, D., 1997. Archiv furTaxonomy and Ecology of subfossil Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) fTom Rift Valley lakes in central Kenya. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Beihefte 107, 467- 512.

97-17. Abbott, M.B., Binford, M. W., Brenner, M.., and Kelts. KR. 1997. A 3500 14C yr high- resolution record ofIake-level changes in Lake Titicaca, BoliviaIPeru. Quaternary Research 47, 169-180.

97-18. Beuning, K.R.M., Kelts, K.R., Ito, E., and Johnson, T.C., 1997. Paleohydrology of Lake Victoria, East Afiica, inferred &om 180/160 ratios in sediment cellulose. Geology 25, 1083- 1086.

97-19 Smith, A.J., Donovan, J., Ito, E., and Engstrom, D.R, 1997. Groundwater processes controlling a prairie lake's response to middle Holocene drought. Geology 25: 391-395

97-20. Ours, D.P., Siegel, D.I., and Glaser, P.H., 1997 . Chemical dilation and the dual porosity ofhumified bog peat. Journal of Hydrology 196,348-360.

97-21. Grosjean, M., Valero-Garces,. B.L., Geyh, M.A, Messerli, B., Schotterer, U., Schrier, H., and Kelts. KR. 1997. Mid- and late-Holocene limnogeology of Laguana del Negro Fransaisco, northern Chile, and its paleoclimatic implications. The Holocene 7, 151-159.

97-22. Abbott, M.B., Seltzer. G.O., Kelts, K.R., and Southon, J., 1997. Holocene paleohydrology of the tropical Andes ITom lake records. Quaternary Research 47, 70-80.


96-01. Alhberg, K., Hobbie, S.,. Wright, H.E., and Ito, E. 1996. Younger Dryas temperature changes in western Ireland: δ180 and pollen data. Boreas 25, 257-267.

96-02. Hansen, B.C.S., and Engstrom. D.R. 1996. Regional and local vegetation bistoryofPleasant Island, sou1heast Alaska 13,000 yr B.P. to the present. QuaternaryResearch 46,161-175.

96-03. Laird, K.R., Fritz, S.C., Grimm E.C., and Mueller, P.G., 1996. Century-scale paleoclimatic reconstruction from Moon Lake, a closed-basin lake in the northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 41, 890-902.

96-04. Hansen, B.C.S., MacDonald, G.M., and Moser, KA, 1996. Identifying the tundra-foresdt border in the stomate record: An analysis oflake surface samples from the Yellowknife area, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany 74, 796-800

96-05. Hu, F. S., Brubaker, L. B., and Anderson, P. M., 1996. Boreal ecosystem development in the northeastern Alaska Range since 11,000 yr B. P. Quaternary Research 48, 359-369.

96-06. Fritz, S.C., 1996. Paleolimnological records of climatic change in North America. Limnology and Oceanography 41, 882-889.

96-07. Kilham, S.S., Theriot, E.C,. and Fritz, S.C., 1996. Linking planktonic diatoms and climate change in the large lakes of the Yellowstone ecosystem using resource theory. Limnology and Ocanography 41,1052-1062.

96-08. Laird, K.R., Fritz, S.C., Maasch, K.A., and Cumming, B.F., 1996. Greater drought intensity and friequency before 1200 AD in the Northern Great Plains. Nature 384, 552-554.

96-09. Reeve, A. S., Siegel, D.I., and Glaser. P.H., 1996. Geochemnical controls on peat1and pore- water from the Hudson Bay Lowlands: a multivariare and statistical approach. Journal of Hydrology 181, 285-304.

96-10. Glaser. P.H., Bennett, P.C., Siegel, D.I., and Romanowicz, E.A, 1996. Paleo-reversals in groundwater flow and peatland development in the lost River peat1and, northern Minnesota, USA. The Holocene 6, 413-42l.

96-10. Leventer, A, Domack, E. W., Ishman, S.E., Brachfeld, S., McClennen, C.E., and Manley, P., 1996. 200-300 year productivity cycles in the Antarctic Peninsula region: understanding linkages among the sun, atmosphere, oceans, sea ice, and biota. Geological Society of America Bulletin 108, 1626-1644.

96-11. Leventer, A., and Dunbar, R.B.,1996 Factors influencing the distribution of diatons and other algae in the Ross Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research 101, CB, 18,489-18,500.

96-12. Smith, W.O., Jr., Nelson, D.M., DiTullio, G.C., and Leventer. A, 1996. Temporal and spatial patterns in the Ross Sea: phytoplankton biomass, elemental composition, productivity, and growth rates". Journal of Geophysical Research 101, CB

96-13. Johnson, T., Chan, Y., Beuning, K, Kelts. K., Ngobi, G. and Verschuren, D., 1996. Biogenic silica profiles in Holocene cores from Lake Victoria: implications for lake-level history and initiation of of the Victoria Nile. In Environmental Change and Response in East Afiican Lakesl. Kluwer.

96-14. Valero-Garces, B.L., Grosjean, M., Schwalb, A., Geyh, M., Messerli, B., and Kelts, K.R. 1996. Limnogeology of Laguna Miscanti: evidence for mid to late Holocene moisture changes in the Atacama Altiplano (northern Chile). Journal of Paleolimnology 16, 1-21.

96-15. Haskell, B.J., Engstrom, D.R. and Fritz., S.C., 1996. Late Quaternary paleohydrology in the North AmericanGreat Plains inferred from the geochemistry of endogenic carbonate and fossil ostracodes from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 124: 179-193.

96-16. Hansen. B.C..S., and Engstrom,. D.R., 1996. Vegetation history of Pleasant Island, southeastern Alaska since: 13,000 yr B.P. Quaternary Research 46: 161-175.

96-17. Fritz. S.C., Engstrom, D.R., and Haskell, B.J. 1996. Nineteenth-century climate in the Devils Lake region as reconstructed from palaeolimnological proxies: a reply to Wiche, Lent and Rannie. The Holocene 6: 490-493.

96-18. Verschuren, D., 1996. Comparitive paleolimnology in a complex of four shallow climate- sensitive tropical lake basins. In The Limnology, Climatology, and Paleoclimatology of the East Afiican Lakes (T.C.Johnson and E. Odada, eds.), Gordon and Breach, Newark, New Jersey., pp. 559-572.


95-01. Wright, H.E., and Clark, J.S., 1995. Charcoal analysis of varved lake sediments. In Laminated Sediments in Archaeology: Archives of Environmental History (U. Miller and S.Hicks, eds.): European Centre for the CuItura1 Heritage, Ravello, Italy.

95-02. Siegel, D.I., Reeve, A.S., Glaser, P.H., and Romanowicz, 1995. Climate-driven flushing of pore water in humified peat. Nature 374,531-533.

95-03. Hansen, B.C.S., and Rodbell, D.T., 1995. A late-glacial and Holocene pollen record with sedimentological data from the eastern Andes of northern Peru. Quaternary Research 44, 216- 227

95-04. Hansen, B.C.S., 1995. Conifer stomate analysis as a paleoecological tool an example fium the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 244-252

95-05. Brown, W.J., and Rosen, M.R., 1995. Did the Pliocene-Pleistocene fluvial-lacustrine connection between Death Valley and the Colorado River really occur? Journal of Paleolinmology 14, 123- 149.

95-06. Valero-Garces, B. L., Kelts, K.R., and Ito, E., 1995. Oxygen and carbon isotope trends and sedimentological evolution of a meromictic and saline lacustrine system: in the Holocene Medicine Lake basin, North American prairie, USA Palaeoclimatology, Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology 117, 253-278.

95-07. Hansen, B.C.S., 1995. A review of late-glacial pollen records from Ecuador and Peru. Quaternary Science Reviews 14, 853-865.

95-08. Wright, H.E., 1995. Global climates since the last glacial maximum -- evidence !rom paleolimnology and paleoclimatic modeling.. Journal of Paleolimnology 15,117-129.

95-09. Schwalb, A., Locke, S.M., and Dean, W.E., 1995 Ostracode d180 and d13C evidence of Holocene environmental changes in the sediments of two Minnesota lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 14,281-296.

95-10. Olson, O.G., Engstrom, D.R., and Fritz, S.C., 1995. Factors influencing zooplankton community structure inferred &om a chronosequence oflakes in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. In Proceedings of the Third Glacier Bay Science Symposium (D.R Engstrom ,ed.). National Park Service, Anchorage,. pp. 154-163.

95-11. Hairston, N.G., Jr., Van Brunt, RA., Kearns, C.M., and Engstrom, D.R, 1995. Age and survivorship of diapausing eggs in a sediment egg bank. Ecology 76: 1706-1711.

95-12. Fritz, S.C., and Engstrom, D.R., 1995. Patterns of early lake ontogeny in Glacier Bay as inferred from diatom assemblages. In Proceedings of the Third Glacier Bay Science Symposium (D.R Engstrom, ed.), National Park Service, Anchorage. pp. 147-153

95-13. Engstrom. D.R (Editor), 1995. Proceedings of theThird Glacier Bay Science Symposium, 1993. National Park Service, Anchorage, AK 310 pp.

95-13. Wong, C.S., Sanders, G., Engstrom, D.R., Long, D. T., Swackhamer, D.B.. and Eisenreich, S.J., 1995. Accumulation, inventory, and diagenesis of chlorinated hydrocarbons in Lake Ontario sediments. Environmental Science and Technology 29: 2661-2672.

95-14. Romanowicz, EA, Siegel, D.I., Chanton, J.P., and Glaser, P.H., 1995. Temporal variations in dissolved methane deep in the Lake Agassiz peatlands, Minnesota (USA). Global Biogeochemical Cycles 9, 197-212.

95-15. Siegel, D.I., Reeve, A.S., Glaser, P.H. and Romanowicz, E.A ., 1995. Climate-driven flushing of pore water in peatlands. Nature 74, 531-533.

95-16. Chanton., J.P, Bauer, J., Glaser. P.H.,.. Siegel, D.1., Kelley, C., Tyler, S.C., Romanowicz, E.A, and Lazrus, A., 1995. Radiocarbon evidence for the substrates supporting methane formation within northern Minnesota peatlands. Geocbimica et Cosmocbimica Acta 59, 3663-3688.

95-17. Arkhipov, S.A, Ehlers, J., Johnson, R.G., and Wright. H. E., 1995 Glacial drainage towards the Mediterranean during the middle and late Pleistocene.. Boreas 24, 196-206.

95-18. Berglund, B. E., Birks, H.J.B., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M. and Wright, H. E., Jr., eds., 1995.

Paleoecological Events during the Last 15,000 Years: Regional Syntheses of Paleoecological Studies in Lakes and Mires in Europe. Wiley, New York.


94-01. Fritz, S.C., Engstrom, D.R,. and Haskell, B.J., 1994. "Little Ice Age" aridity in the North American Great Plains: a high-resolution reconstruction of salinity fluctuations from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA The Holocene 4, 69-73.

94-02. Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., and Kelts, K.R., eds. 1994. Global Geological Record of Lacustrine Basins. Cambridge University Press, 427 p.

94-03. Hansen, B.C.S., Sel1zer, G.O., and Wright, H.E., 1994. Late-Quaternary vegetational change in the central Peruvian Andes. Palaeogeography. Palaeoclimatology. Palaeoecology 109, 263-285.

94-04. Rosen, M.R., 1994. The importance of groundwater in playas: a review of playa classification and the sedimentology and bydrology of playas. Geological Society of America Special Paper 289, 1-18.

94-05. Shane, LC.K., 1994. Intensity and rate ofvegetation and climate change in the Ohio region between 14,000 and 9,000 14C yr BP. In The first discovery of America - Archaeological evidence of the early inhabitants of the Ohio area (W.S.Dancey, ed.) . The Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, pp. 7-21.

94-06. Schwalb, A., Lister, G.S., and Kelts, K, 1994. Ostracode catbonate δ18O and δ13C-signatures of hydrological and climatic changes affecting Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland, since the latest Pleistocene. Journal of Paleolimnology 11, 3-17.

94-07. Verschuren, D., 1994. Sensitivity of tropical-African aquatic invertebrates to short-term trends in lake level and salinity -- a paleolinmological test. Journal of Paleolimnology 10, 253-263.

94-08. Kelts, K.R., and Schwalb, A., 1994. Stable-isotope stratigraphy of regional environmental dynamics from lacustrine.archives. Terra Nostra. Schriften der Alfred-Wegener Stiftung 1/94, 115-119.

94-09. Kelts, K.R., and Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., 1994. Modern and ancient lake basins as archives of continental environment -- drilling a global network of high-resolution dynamics. International Project of Paleolimnology and Late Cenozoic Climate, Newsletter 7, 13-15.

94-10. Watts, W.A., and Hansen, B.C.S., 1994. Pre-Holocene and Holocene records of vegetation history from the Florida peninsula and their c1imatic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 109,163-176

94-11. Whitmore, T.J., Brenner, M.O., Engstrom, D.R., and. Song, Z., 1994 Accelerated soil erosion in watersheds of Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 49: 67-72.

94-12. Charles, D.F.,. Smol, J.P., and Engstrom. D.R, 1994. Paleolimnological approaches to biomonitoring. In Biomonitoring of Freshwater Ecosystem (S. Loeb, ed.) Lewis Publishers,. pp. 233-293..

94-13. Engstrom, D.R., Swain, E.B., Henning, T.A., Brigham, M.E., and Brezonik, P.L, 1994. Atmospheric mercury deposition to lakes and watersheds: a quantitative reconstruction from multiple sediment cores. In Environmental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs (L.A. Baker, ed.) American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., pp. 33-66.

94-14. Engstrom, D.R, Whitlock, C., Fritz, S.C., and Wright, H.E., 1994. Reply: Reinventing erosion in Yellowstone's northern range. Journal of Paleolimnology 10, 159-161.

94-15. Dunbar, R.B., Leventer, A., and Mucciarone, D.A., 1994. Biogenic sediment fluxes in the Ross sea, Antarctica (I): atmospheric and sea ice forcing. Journal of Geopbysical Research 103, C13, 30,741-30, 759.

94-16. Gerlowski-Kordesch, E., and Kelts, K.R., 1994. Global Geological Record of Lacustrine Basins. Cambridge University Press, 427 pp.


93-01. Clark, J.S., 1993. Fire, climate change, and forest processes during the last 2000 years. In Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for rapid climate change in the north-central United States (J.P. Bradbury and W.E. Dean, eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 276, 295-308.

93-02. Wright, H.E,1993. History of the landscape in the Itasca region. In Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for rapid climate change in the north-central United States (J.P. Bradbury and W.E. Dean eds.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 276, 7-17.

93-03. Almendinger. J.E., 1993. A groundwater model to explain past lake levels at Parkers Prairie, Minnesota, USA. The Holocene 3, 105-115.

93-04. Wright, H.E.,1993. Lakes as environmental archives: some case studies from the Minnesota area.

Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning Ser. Ca 81. 373-380.

93-05. Wright, H.E., 1993. Introduction. In Global Climates since the Last Glacial Maximum (H.E. Wright, J.E. Kutzbach, W.F. Ruddiman, FA Street-Perrott, and P.J Bartlein, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 1-4.

93-06. Roberts, N., and Wright, H.E,1993. Vegetational, lake-level, and climatic history of the Near East and Southwest Asia. In Global Climates since the Last Glacial Maximum (H.E. Wright, J.E. Kutzbach, W.F. Ruddiman, FA Street-Perrott and P.l Bartlein, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 194-220.

93-07. Webb, T. III, Ruddiman, W.F., Street-Perrott, FA, Markgraf, V., Kutzbach, J.E., Bartlein, P.J., Wright, H.E.. and Prell, W.L., 1993. Climatic changes during the past 18,000 years: regional syntheses, mechanisms, and causes. In Global Climates since the Last Glacial Maximum (H.E. Wright,, J.E. Kutzbach, W.F. Ruddiman, FA Street-Perrott, and P.J. Bartlein, eds.): University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 514-535.

93-08. Kutzbach, J.E., Bartlein, P.J., Prentice, I.C., Ruddiman, W.F., Street-Perrott, FA, Webb, T. III, and Wright, H.E.. 1993 Epilogue. In Global Climates since the Last Glacial Maximum (H.E. Wright, J.E. Kutzbach, W.F. Ruddiman, F.A. Street-Perrott and P.J. Bartlein, eds.): University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 536-542.

93-09. Fritz, S.C., Kingston, J.C., and Engstrom, D.R., 1993. Quantitative trophic reconstruction ftom sedimentary diatom assemblages: a cautionary tale. Freshwater Biology 30, 1-23.

93-10. Swain, E.B., Engstrom, D.R., Brigham, M.E., Henning, T.A., and Brezonik, P.L, 1993. Increasing rates of atmospheric mercury deposition in midcontinental North America. Science 257, 784-787.

93-11. Engstrom, D.R., Swain, E.B., and Henning, TA, 1993. Atmospheric mercury deposition to lakes and watersheds: a quantitative reconstruction ftom muJtiple sediment cores. In Enviromnental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs (LA Baker, ed. ):. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.

93-12. Verschuren, D., 1993. A lightweight extruder for accurate sectioning of soft-bottom lake- sediment cores in the field Limnology and Oceanography 38,1796-1802.

93-13. Kennedy, K.E., 1993. Early Holocene evolution of saline Medicine Lake, South Dakota. Journal of Paleolimnology. 10, 69-84.

93-14. Wright, H.E.,1993. Environmental determinism in Near Eastern prehistoric archaeology. Current Anthropology 34, 458-469.

93-15. Fritz, S.C., Juggins, S., and Battarbee. R. W.. 1993. Diatom assemblages and ionic characterization offteshwater and saline lakes of the northern Great Plains, North America,: a tool for reconstructing past salinity and climate fluctuations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50,1844-1856.

93-16. Wright, H.E., and Bartlein, P.J., 1993. Reflections on COHMAP. The Holocene 3,89-92. 93-17. Truze, E., and Kelts, K. 1993. Sedimentology and paleoenvironment ftom the maar Lac du Bouchet for the last climatic cycle, 0-120,000 years (Massif Central, France). In Paleolinmology of European maar lakes. (B. Zolitschka and J. Negendank, eds.) Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 49, 237-275.

93-18. Lamb, H.F., Duigan, C.A, Gee, H.R., Kelts, K., Lister, G., Maxted, R.W., Merzouk, A, Niessen, F., Tahri, M., Wittington, R.J., and Zeroual. E., 1993. Lacustrine sedimentation in a high altitude, semi-arid environment: the paleolimnological record of Lake Teli, High Atlas, Morocco. In Effects of environmental change in drylands. (A.C.Millington and K. Pye, eds.).

93-19. King, G.A. 1993. Vegetation and pollen relationships in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 193-210.

93-20. Valero-Garces, B.L., and Gierlowski-Kordesh, E., 1993. Lacustrine carbonate deposition in Middle Pennsylvanian cyclothems: the Upper Freeport Formation, Appalachian Basin, U.SA Journal of Paleolimnology 11: 109-132.

93-21. Shane, L.C.K. and Anderson, K.H., 1993. Intensity, gradients and reversals in late-glacial environmental change in east-central North America. Ouaternary Science Reviews 12.307-320.

93-22. Grimm, E.C, Jacobson, G.L., Jr., Watts, W.A., Hansen, B.C.S., and Maasch, K.A., 1993. A 50,000-year record of climatic oscillations ftom Florida and its temporal correlation with the Heinrich events. Science 261, 298-200.

93-23. Megard, R.O., Bradbury, J.P., and Dean, W.E., 1993. Climatic and limnologic setting of Elk lltke. In Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for rapid climate change in the north-central United States (J.P.Bradbury and W.E.Dean, eds.). Geological Society of America Special Paper 276, 19- 36.

93-24. Dean, W.E., and Megard, R.O., 1993. Environment of deposition of CaC03 in Elk Lake, Minnesota. In Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for rapid climate change in the north-central United States (J.P Bradbury and W.E. Dean, eds.) Geological Society of America Special Paper 276, 97-Il3.

93-25. Whitlock, C., Bartlein, P.J., and Watts, W.A., 1993. Vegetation history of Elk Lake. In Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for rapid climate change in the north-central United States (J.P. Bradbury and W.E.Dean, eds.). Geological Society of America Special Paper 276, 251-274.

93-26. Romanowicz., EA, Siegel, 0.1., and Glaser, P.H., 1993. Hydraulic reversals and episodic methane emissions during drought cycles in mires. Geology 21, 231-234.

93-27. Chanton, J.P., Bauer, J., Glaser, P.H., Siegel, D.I., Kelley, C., Tyler, S.C., Romanowicz, E.A, Lazrus, A, 1993. Radiocarbon evidence for the substrates supportinmg methane formation within northern Minnesota peatlands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59, 3663-3688.


92-01. Wright, H.E., 1992. Core compression. Limnology and Oceanography 38, 699-401.

92-02. Almendinger, J.C., 1992. The late-Holocene history of prairie, brosh-prairie, and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest on outwash plains, north-central Minnesota, USA The Holocene 2, 37- 50.

92-03. Glaser, P.H., 1992. Raised bogs in eastern North America -regional controls for species richness and floristic assemblages. Journal of Ecology 80, 535-554.

92-04. Almquist-Jacobson, H., Almendinger, J.E., and Hobbie, S., 1992. Sediment formation in relation to vegetation and basin formation at paired basins, Parkers Prairie sandplain, west-centraI Minnesota. Quaternary Research 38,103-116.

92-05. Digerfeldt, G., Almendinger, J.E., and Bjorck, S., 1992. Reconstruction ofpast lake levels and their relation to groundwater hydrology in the Parkers Prairie sandplain, west-central Minnesota. . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 94,99-118.

92-06. Wright, H.E. Jr., 1992. Introduction. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota. (H.E.. Wright, B.A. Coffin, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Mumesota. pp. xv-xx.

92-07. Glaser, P.H., 1992. Peat landforms in Minnesota.. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright ,B.A. CoffIn, and N.E. Aaseng eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 3-14.

92-08. Glaser, P.H., 1992. Vegetation and water chemistry.. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright,.. B.A. CoffIn, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 15-26.

92-09. Glaser, P.H. 1992. Ecological development of patterned peatlands. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright, B.A. Coffin, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.): University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 27-42.

92-10. Janssens, J.A., 1992. Bryophytes.. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota.( H.E.Wright, B. Coffin, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota,. pp. 43-57.

92-11. Glaser, P.H., 1992. Rare vascular plants. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright, B.A. CoffIn, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 59-69.

92-12. Bradof, K.L., 1992. Impact of ditching and road construction on Red Lake peatland In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright, B.A. Coffin, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 173-186.

92-13. Janssens, J.A., Hansen, B.C.S., Glaser, P.H. and Whitlock, C., 1992. Development ofa raised- bog complex. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright, B.A. CoffIn, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.): University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 189-204.

92-14. Janssen, C.R., 1992. The Myrtle Lake Peatland. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright, B.A. CoffIn, and N.E. Aaseng, eds.): University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 223-235.

92-15. Bradof, K.L.,1992. Ditching of Red Lake peatland during the Homestead Era. In Patterned Peatlands of Northern Minnesota (H.E. Wright,, B.A .Coffin, and N.E. Aaseng (eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 263-284.

92-16. Wright, H.E. 1992. Patterns of Holocene climatic change in the Midwestern United States.

Quaternary Research 38, 129-134.

92-17. Seltzer, G.O., 1992. Late Quaternary glaciation of the Cordillera Real, Bolivia. Journal of Quaternary Science 7, 87-98.

92-18. Watts, W.A., Hansen, B.C.S., and Grimm, E.C., 1992. Camel Lake: a 40,000-yr record of vegetational and forest history from Northwest Florida. Ecology 73, 1056-1066.

92-19. Baker, L.A., Engstrom, D.R., and Brezonik, P.L., 1992. Recent sulfür eorichment in the sediments of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin.. Limnology and Oceanography 37, 689-702.


91-1. Clark, J.S., 1991. Disturbance and population structure on the shifting mosaiclandscape. Ecology 72, 1119- 1137.

91-2. Wright, H.E.,1991 . Coring tips. Journal of Paleolimnology 6, 37-49.

91-3. Wright, H.E.,1991. Environmental conditions for Paleoindian immigration.. In The First Americans: Search and Research (T.D. Dillehay and D.J. Meltzer, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, . pp. 113-136.

91-4. Fritz, S.C., Juggins, S., Battarbee, R. W., and Engstrom, D.R., 1991. Reconstruction of past changes in salinity and climate using a diatom-based transfer function. Nature 352, 706-708.

91-5. Engstrom, D.R., Whitlock, C., Fritz, S.C., and Wright, H.E.,1991. Recent environmental changes inferred ftom the sediments ofsmall lakes in Yellowstone's northern range. Journal of Paleolimnology 5, 139-174.

91-6. Whitlock, C., Fritz, S.C., and Engstrom, D.R., 1991. A prehistoric perspective on the Northern Range. In The Greater Yellowstone ecosystem: redefining America's wilderness heritage (R.B.Keiter and M.S.Boyce, eds.). Yale University Press, pp. 289-308.

91-7. Seltzer, G.O., and Wright, H.E., 1991. Deglaciation in Peru and Bolivia since the late Pleistocene [in Spanish, with summary in English1. Boletin de la Sociedad Geological Boliviana 26, 13-32.

91-8. Hansen, B.C.S., 1991. Pollen stratigraphy of Laguna de Cocos. In Ancient Maya wetland agriculture on Albion Island, northern Belize (M. PoW, ed.). Westview Press, pp. 155-186.

91-9. Giresse, P., Maley, J., and Kelts, K., 1991. Sedimentation and palaeoenvironment in Crater Lake Barombi Mho, Cameroon, during the last 25,000 years. Sedimentary Geology 71, 151-175.

91-10. Anadon, P., Cabrero, L., and Kelts, K. (eds), 1991. Lacustrine facies analysis. Special Publications of the Jntemational Association of Sedimentologists 13, 311 p.

91-11. Kelts, K., 1991. Reading pages ftom limnogeological archives. Proceedings INQUA Beijing 13, 10

91-12. Brown, W.J., and Rosen, M.R., 1991. Did the Pliocene-Pleistocene fluvial-lacustrine betwween Death Valley and the Colorado River really occur? Journal of Paleolimnology 14, 123-149.

91-14. Grimm, E.C., Jacobson, G.L., Watts, W.A., Hansen. B.C.S., and Maasch, K.A., 1991. A 50,000- year record of climate oscillations ftom Florida and its tempoaral correlation with the Heinrich events. Science 261, 198-200.

91-15. Eyster-Smith, N.M., Wright H.E.,and Cushing. E.J.., 1991. Pollen studies at Lake Sf. Croix, a river lake on the MinnesotalWisconsin border, USA. The Holocene 1, 103-109.


90-1. Seltzer, G.O., and Hastorf, C.A ,1990. Climate change and its impact on prehistoric agriculture of the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Field Archaeology 17, 397-414.

90-2. Fritz, S.C., Kreiser, A.M., Appleby, P.G., and Battarbee, R. W., 1990. Recent acidification of upland lakes in North Wales: palaeolirnnological evidence. In Acid Waters in Wales (R.W. Edwards et at, eds.). Kluwer Publications, Dordrecht., pp. 27-37.

90-3. Almendinger, J.C., 1990. The decline of soil organic matter, total N, and available water capacity following the late-Holocene establishment of jack pine on sandy mollisols, north-central Minnesota. Soil Science 150, 680-694.

90-4. Anfinson, S.F., and Wright, H.E., 1990. Climatic change and culture in prehistoric Minnesota. In The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes: Papers Presented to Elden Johnson (G.E. Gibbon ,ed.): University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology 4, 213-232.

90-5. Glaser, P.H., Janssens, J.A., and Siegel, D.L, 1990. The response of vegetation to chemical and hydrological gradients in the Lost River Peatland, northern Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 78, 1021-1048.

90-6 Clark, J.S., 1990. Fire and climate change during the last 750 years in northwestern Minnesota. Ecological Monographs 60, 135-159.

90-7. Bjorck, S., 1990. Late Wisconsin history north of the Giants Range, northern Minnesota, inferred num complex stratigraphy. Quaternary Research 33, 18-36.

90-8. Seltzer, G.O., 1990. Recent glacial history and paleoclimate of the Peruvian-Bolivian Andes. Quaternary Science Reviews 9, 137-152.

90-9. Clark, J.S., 1990. Integration of ecological levels: individual plant growtb, population mortality and ecosystem processes. Journal of Ecology 78, 275-299.

90-10. Clark, J.S., 1990. Twentieth-century climate change, fire suppression, and forest production and decomposition in northwestern Minnesota. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20, 219-232.

90-11. Clark, J.S., 1990. Landscape interaction among nitrogren mineralization, species composition, and long-term fire frequency. Biogeochemistry 11, 1-22.

90-12. Keen, K.L., and Shane, L.C.K., 1990. Continuous record of Holocene eolian activity and vegetation change at Lake Ann, east-central Minnesota. Geological Society of America Bulletin 102, 1646-1657.

90-13. Shapiro, J., 1990. Biomanipulation: the next phase - making it stable. Hydrobiologia 200/201, 13-27.

90-14. Shapiro, J., 1990. Current beliefs regarding dominance of blue-greens: the case for the importance of CO2 and pH. 1ntemationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Lirnnologie. Verhandlungen 24, 38-54. 382. 382.

90-15. Cole, K. L., Engstrom, D .R., Futyma, R..P., and Stottlemyer, R.. ,1990. Past atmospheric deposition of metals in northern Indiana measured in a peat core ftom Cowles Bog. Environmental Science and Technology 24:, 543-549.

90-16. Almendinger, J.E., 1990. Groundwater control of closed-basin lake levels under steady-state conditions. Journal of Hydrology 112, 293-318.

90-17. Wright, H.E., 1990. An improved Hongve sampler for surface sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 4, 91-92.

90-18. Wright, H.E., 1990. Geologic history of Minnesota rivers.. Minnesota Geological Survey, Educational Series 7, 1-20.

90-19. Foster, D.R., and Wright, H.E., 1990. Role of ecosystem development and climate change in bog formation in central Sweden. Ecology 71, 450-463.

90-20. Fritz, S.C., 1990. Twentieth-century salinity and water-level fluctuations in Devils Lake, North Dakota: a test of diatom-based transfer functions. Limnology and Oceanography 35, 1771-1781.

90-21. Engstrom, D.R., and Nelson, S., 1990. Paleosalinity from trace metals in fossil ostracods compared with observational records at Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83, 195-312.

90-22. Engstrom, D.R., Hansen, B.C.S., and Wright, H.E., 1990. A possible Younger Dryas record in southeastern Alaska. Science 250, 1383-1385.

90-23. Flower, R.J., Cameron, N.G., Rose, S., Fritz, S.C., Harriman, R., and Stevenson, A.C., 1990. Post-1970 water-chemistry changes and paJeolinmology of several acidified uplands in the U.K Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B327, 257-261.

90-24. Wright, D., and Shapiro, J., 1990. Refuge availability: a key to understanding the summer disappearance of Daphnia. Freshwater Biology 23,43-62.

90-25. Seltzer, G.O., and Hastorf, C.A., 1990. Climate change and its inpact on prehistoric agriculture of the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Field Archaeology 17, 397-414


89-1. Megard, R.O., and Berman, T., 1989. Effect of algae on the Secchi transparency of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea. Limnology and Oceanography 34, 1640-1655.

89-2. Radle, N., Keister, C.M., and Battarbee, R. W., 1989. Diatom, pollen, and geochenmical evidence for the palaeosalinity of Medicine Lake, South Dakota, during the Late Wisconsin and early Holocene. Journal of Paleolimnology 2, 159-172.

89-3. Clark, J.S., Merkt, J., and Muller, H., 1989. PostgIacial fire, vegetation, and cultural history ofthe northern Alpine forelands, southwest Germany. Journal of Ecology 77, 897-925.

89-4. Peglar, S.M., Fritz, S.C., and Birks, H.J.B., 1989. Vegetation and land-use history at Diss, Norfolk, England. Journal of Ecology 77, 203-222.

89-5. Fritz, S.C., 1989. Lake development and limnological response to prehistoric and historic land- use in Diss, Norfolk, U.K. Journal of Ecology 77, 182-202.

89-6. Clark, J.S., 1989. Population and evolutionary consequences of being a coastal plant: long-term evidence from the North Atlantic coasts. Aquatic Science Reviews 2, 509-533.

89-7. Schuster, R.M., and Janssens, J.A., 1989. On Diettertia, an isolated Mesozoic member of the Jungermanniales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 57, 277-287.

89-8. Wright, H.E., 1989. The amphi-Atlantic distribution of the Younger Dryas paleoclimatic oscillation. Quaternary Science Reviews 8, 295-306.

89-9. Glaser, P.H., 1989. Detecting biotic and hydrogeochemical processes in large peat basins with Landsat TM imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 28, 109-119.

89-10. Shapiro, J.,and Wright, D., 1989. Successful preservation of Daphnia for chemical and physical analysis. Hydrobiologia 175, 61-63.

89-11. Clark, J.S., 1989. Effects of long-term water balances on fire regime, northwestern Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 77, 989-1004.

89-12. Clark, J.S., 1989. Ecological disturbance as a renewal process: theory and application to fire history. Oikos 56, 17-30.

89-13. Fritz, S.C., Stevenson, AC., Patrick, S.T., Appleby, P.G., Oldfield, F., Rippey, B., Darley, J. and Battarbee, R.W., 1989. Paleolimnological evidence for the recent acidification of Llyn Hir, Dyfed, Wales. Journal of Paleolimnology 2, 245-262.

89-14. Wright, H.E., 1989. The Quaternary. In The Geology of North America, vol. A. An overview (A. W. Bally and A.R. Palmer, eds.): Geological Society of America., pp. 513-536.

89-15. Wright, H.E., Seltzer, G.O., and Hansen, B.C.S., 1989. Glacial and climatic history of the central Peruvian Ande. National Geographic Research 5, 439-455.

89-16. Baker, L.A, and Swain. E.B., 1989. Review of lake management in Minnesota. Lake and Reservoir Management 5, 1-10

89-17. Shane, L.C.K., 1989. Changing palynological methods and their role in three successive interpretations of the late-glacial environments at Bucyrus Bog, Ohio, USA. Boreas 18, 297-388.

89-18. Mooers, H.D., and Glaser, P.H., 1989. Active patterned ground at sea level, Fourchou, Nova Scotia, Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research 21, 425-432.

89-19. Wright, H.E., 1989. Origin and development of Minnesota lakes. Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Sciences 55, 26-31.

89-20. Jacobson, H., and Engstrom, D.R., 1989. Resolving the chronology of recent lake sediments: an example ftom Devils Lake, North Dakota. Journal of Paleolimnology 2, 81-98.


88-1. Brugam. R.B., Grimm, E.C. and Eyster-Smith, N.M., 1988. Holocene environmental changes in Lily Lake, Minnesota, inferred from fossil diatom and pollen assemblages. Quaternary Research 30, 53-66.

88-2. Foster, D.R., Wright, H.E., Thelaus, M., and King, G.A., 1988. Bog development and landform dynamics in central Sweden and southeastern Labrador, Canada. Journal of Ecology 76, 1164- 1185.

88-3. Watts. W. A.,. and Hansen, B.C.S., 1988. Environments of Florida in the Late Wisconsin and Holocene.. In Wet-site Archaeology (B. Purdy, ed.). Telford Press

88-4. Grimm, E.C., 1988. Data analysis and display.. In Vegetation History. Handbook of Vegetation Science. (B. Huntley and T. Webb III, eds.): Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 7, 34-76.

88-5. Foster, D.R., King, G.A.,. and Santelmann. M.V.,. 1988. Patterned fens of western Labrador and adjacent Quebec: phytosociology, water chemistry, landform features, and dynamics of surface patterns. Canadian Journal of Botany 66, 2042-2418.

88-6. Clark, J.S., 1988. Stratigraphic charcoal analysis on petrographic thin sections: application to fJre history in northwestern Minnesota. Quaternary Research 30, 8 I -91.

88-7. Clark, J.S., 1988. Particle motion and the theory of charcoal analysis: source area, transport, deposition, and sampling. Quaternary Research 30, 67-80.

88-8. Clark, J.S., 1988. Effects of climate change on fire regimes in northwestern Minnesota. Nature 334, 233-235.

88-9. Janssens, J.A., 1988. Fossil bryophytes and paleoenvironmental reconstructions ofpeat1ands. In Methods in Bryology. Proceedings ofBryological Methods Workshop, Mainz (J.M. Glime, ed..). Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan, Japan, pp. 299-306.

88-10. Shapiro, J., 1988. Introductory lecture at the international symposium "Phosphorus in Freshwater Ecoystems", Uppsala, Sweden, in October 1985. Hydrobiologia 170,9-17.

88-11. COHMAP Members, 1988. Climatic changes of the last 18,000 years: observations and model simulations. Science 241, 1043-1052.


87-1. Shane, L.C.K., 1987. Late-glacial vegetational and climatic history of the Allegheny Plateau and the till plains of Ohio and Indiana. Boreas 16, 1-20.

87-2. Janssens, J.A., Engstrom, D.R., and Horton, D.G., 1987. Climacium dendroides and Fontinalisflaccida : fossils of the early Postglacial of Labrador. Lindbergia 12,67-72.

87-3. Glaser, P.H., 1987. The ecology ofpattemed boreal peatlands of northern Minnesota: A community profile. Biological Report of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service 85, 1-98.

87-4. Gorham, E., Janssens, J.A., Wheeler, G.A., and Glaser, P.H., 1987. The natural and anthropogenic acidification of peatlands.. In Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on Forests, Wetlands, and Agricultural Ecosystems (T.C. Hutchinson and K.M. Meema, eds.). Springer- Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 493-512.

87-5. Shapiro, J., 1987. Monospecific aggregations of two cyanophytes in a eutrophic lake. Journal of Phycology 23, 390-391.

87-6. Foster, D.R., and Fritz. S.C., 1987. Mire development, pool formation and landscape processes on patterned fens in Dalarna, central Sweden. Journal of Ecology 75, 409-438.

87-7. Patterson. W.A III., Edwards. K.J.,. and Maguire, D., 1987. Microscopic charcoal as a fossil indicator of fire. Quaternary Science Reviews 6, 3-23.

87-8. Grimm, E.C., 1987. CONlSS,: a FORTRAN 77 program für stratigraphically constrained cluster analysis by the method of incremental sum of squares. Computers and Geosciences 13, 13-35.

87-9. Curtis, P.L., and Megard, R.O., 1987. Interactions among irradiance, oxygen evolution, and nitrate uptake by Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology 23, 608-613.

87-10. Siegel, D.I., and Glaser, P.H., 1987. Groundwater flow in a spring fen and raised bog complex, Lost River peatland, northern Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 75. 743-754.

87-11. Engstrom, D.R., 1987. Influence of vegetation and hydrology on the humic budgets of Labrador lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 44, 1036-1044.

87-12. Hansen. B.C.S., and Wright, H.E., 1987. The modern pollen rain of North Dakota, U.SA Pollen et Spores 29, 167-184.

87-13. Glaser, P.H., 1987. The development of streamlined bog islands in the continental interior of North America. Arctic and Alpine Research 19, 402-413.

87-14. Barnosky, C.W., Grimm, E.C., and Wright, H.E., 1987. Towards a postglacial history of the Northern Great Plains:-- a review of the paleoecologic problems. Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 56, 259-273.

87-15. Janssens, J.A., 1987. Ecology of peatland bryophytes and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of peatlands using fossil bryophytes. Manual for Bryological Methods Workshop. Satellite Conference of the 14th International Association of Bryologists, Mainz. 71 pp.

87-16. Ruddiman, W.F., and Wright, H.E., 1987. lntroduct1on..ln North Amcr1ca and Adjacent Oceans during the Last Deglaciation. (W.F. Ruddiman and H.E. Wright, , eds.): Geological Society of America, Geology of North America, Vol. K-3, pp.1-12.

87-17. Jacobson, G.L., Jr., Webb, T. III, and Grimm, E.C., 1987. Patterns and rates of vegetation change during the deglaciation of eastern North America. In North America and Adjacent Oceans during the Last Deglaciation (W.F. Ruddiman and H.E. Wright, eds.). Geological Society of America, Geology of North America, Vol. K-3, pp. 277-288.

87-18. Wright, H.E., 1987. Synthesis: -- the land south of the ice sheet. In North America and Adjacent Oceans during the Last Deglaciation. (W.F. Ruddiman and H.E. Wright, Jr.,eds.). Geological Society of America, Geology of North America, Vol. K-3, pp. 479-488.


86-1. Janssens, J.A., and Glaser,. P.H., 1986. The bryophyte flora and major peat-forming mosses at the Red Lake Peatland, Minnesota. Canadian Journal of Botany 64, 427-442.

86-2. Jacobson, G.L., Jr., and Grimm, E.C., 1986. A numerical analysis of Holocene forest and prairie vegetation in central Minnesota. Ecology 67, 958-966.

86-3. Clark, J.S., 1986. Coastal forest tree populations in a changing environment., southeastern Long island, New York. EcologicalMonographs 56, 259-277.

86-4. Foster, D.R,. and Glaser, P.H., 1986. ,The raised bogs of southeastern Labrador, Canada --: classification, distribution, vegetation, and recent dynamics. Journal of Ecology 74,47-72.

86-5. Tarapchak, S.J.,. and Wright, H.E., 1986. Effects offorest fife and other disturbances on wilderness lakes in northeastern Minnesota.. Limnology. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 106, 177- 202.

86-6. Bradbury, J.P., 1986. Effects offorest fire and other disturbances on wilderness lakes in northeastern Minnesota. II. Paleolimnology. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 106, 203-217.

86-7. Clark, J.S., 1986. Dynamism in the barrier-beach vegetation of Great South Beach, New York. EcologicalMonographs 56, 97-126.

86-8. Almendinger, J.C., Almendinger, J.E,. and Glaser. P.H., 1986. Topographic fluctuations across a spring fen and raised bog in the Lost River peatland, northern Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 74, 393-401.

86-9. Glaser, P.H., and Janssens. J.A, 1986. Raised bogs in eastern North America: transitions in surface patterns and stratigraphy. Canadian Journal of Botany 64, 395-415.

86-10. Engstrom, D.R. and Swain, E.B., 1986. The chemistry oflake sediments in time and space. Hydrobiologia 143,, 37-44.

86-11. Gorham, F., Underwood, J.K., Martin, F.B., and Ogden, J.G.III, 1986. Natural and anthropogenic causes of lake acidification in Nova Scotia. Nature 324, 541-453.

86-12 Bjorkman, B., and Shapiro, J.,1986. Measurement of the lipid ovary index on stored zooplankton samples. Limnology and Oceanography 31, 1138-1139.

86-13. Watts., W.A., and Hansen, B.C.S., 1986. Holocene climate and vegetation of Bennuda. Pollen et Spores 28, 355-364.

86-14. Fritz, S.C., and Battarbee. R W.,. 1986. Sedimentary diatom assemblages in freshwater and saline lakes of the Northern Great Plains, North America -- preliminary results. In Proceedings of the 9th International Diatom Symposium, Bristol, England.(F.Round, ed.). J Cramer, Stuttgart., pp. 265-271.

86-15. Wright, H.E., 1986. Faunal extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene. Reviews in Anthropology 13, 223 235.


85-1. Gage, M.A., and Gorham, E., 1985. Alkaline phosphatase activity and cellular phosphorus as an index of the phosphorus status of phytoplankton in Minnesota lakes. Freshwater Biology 15, 227-233.

85-2. Engstrom, D.R, Swain. E.B, and Kingston, J.C., 1985. A paleolimnological record of human disturbance ftom Harvey's Lake, Vermont: geochemistry, pigments, and diatoms. Freshwater Biology 15, 261-288.

85-3. Swain, E.B., 1985. Measurement and interpretation of sedimentary pigments. Freshwater Biology 15, 53-75.

85-4. Engstrom. D.R,. and Hansen, B.C.S., 1985. Postglacial vegetational change and soil development in southeastern Labrador as inferred ftom pollen and chemical stratigraphy. Canadian Journal of Botany 63, 543-561.

85-5. Bjorck, S., 1985. Deglaciation chronology and revegetation in northwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 22, 850-871.

85-6. Hansen. B.C.S. and Engstrom, D.R, 1985. A comparison of numerical and qualitative methods of separating pollen of black and white spruce. Canadian Journal of Botany 63, 2159-2163.

85-7. Janssens, J.A., and Barnoskv, C.W., 1985. Late Pleistocene and early Holocene bryopbytes from Battle Ground Lake, Washington, USA Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 46, 97-1 16.

85-8. Megard, R.O., Berman, T., Curtis, P.J., and Vaughan, P.W., 1985. Dependence of phytoplankton assimilation quotients on light and nitrogren source: --implications for oceanic primary productivity. Journal of Plankton Research 7, 691-702.

85-9. Murchie. S.L., 1985. 210Pb dating and the recent geologic history of Crystal Bay, Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota. Limnology and Oceanography 30, 1154-1170.

85-10. Kutzbach, J.E., and Wright, H.E., 1985. Simulation of the climate of 18,000 years BP: Results for the North American/North Atlantic/European sector and comparison with the geologic record of North America. Quaternary Science Reviews 4, 147-187.

85-11. Wright, H.E., Almendinger, J.C. and Gruger, J., 1985. Pollen diagram from the Nebraska Sandhills and the age of the dunes. Quaternary Research 24, 115-120.

85-12 King, G.A., 1985. A standard method for evaluating radiocarbon dates oflocal deglaciation: Application to the deglaciation history of southern Labrador and adjacent Quebec. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire 39, 163-182.

85-13. Wright, H.E., 1985. Glacial and vegetational history of southeastern Labrador. National Geographic Society Research Reports 20, 887-892.


84-1. Wright, H.E., 1984. Late-glacial and late-Holocene moraines in the Cerros Cuchpanga, ceutral Peru. Quaternary Research 21, 275-283.

84-2. Hansen. B.C.S.,. Wright, H.E., Jr., and Bradbury, J.P., 1984. Vegetation history of the Junin area in the Central Peruvian Andes. Geological Society of America Bulletin 95, 1454-1465.

84-3. Megard, R.O., Tonkyn, D. W., and Senft. W.H. II, 1984. Kinetics of oxygenic photosynthesis in planktonic algae. Journal of Plankton Research 6, 325-337.

84-4. Lamb, H.F., 1984. Modem pollen spectra ftom Labrador and their use in reconstructing Holocene vegetational history. Journal of Ecology 72, 37-60.

84-5. Gorham, E., 1984. Acid rain -- an overview. In C.M. Bhumralkar (ed.): Meteorological Aspects of Acid Rain. Ann Arbor Science, Acid Precipitation Series 1, 1-18

84-6. Janssen. C.R., 1984. Modern pollen assemblages and vegetation in the Myrtle Lake peatland, Minnesota. Ecological Monographs 54, 213-252. 84-7.

84-7. Engstrom, D. R., 1984. Lake development in borel peatlands of southern Labrador. Arctic and Alpine Research 16, 447-452.

84-8. Shapiro, J., and Wright, D.I., 1984. Lake restoration by biomanipulation: Round Lake, Minnesota, the first two years. Freshwater Biology 14, 371-383.

84-9. Wright, H.E., Mann, D.H., and Glaser, P.H., 1984. Piston corers for peat and lake sediments. Ecology 65, 657-659.

84-10. Holm. N.P.,. and Shapiro, J.,1984. An examination oflipid reserves and the nutritional status of Daphnia pulex -fed Aphanizomenon jlos-aquae. Limnology and Oceanography 29, 1137-1140.

84-11. Shapiro, J., 1984. Blue-green dominance in lakes: The role and management significance of pH and C02. Internationale Revue der gesamte Hydrobiologie 69, 765-780.

84-12. Janssens, J.A., and Glaser, P.H., 1984. Cinclidium stygium , a moss new to Minnesota. The Michigan Botanist 23, 19-20.

84-13. Foster, D. R. and King, G.A., 1984 Landscape features, vegetation and developmental history of a patterned fen in southern Labrador, Canada. Journal of Ecology 72, 115-144.

84-14. Kingston, J.C., 1984. Paleolimnology of a lake and adjacent fen in southeastern Labrador -- evidence from diatom assemblages. In Proceedings of the 7th International Diatom Symposium, Philadelphia. pp.443-453.

84-15. Battarbee, R W., Keister, C.M., and Bradburv,. J.P,. 1984. The fiustular morphology and taxonomic relationships of Cyclotella quillensis Bailey. Proceedings of the 7th International Diatom Symposium, Philadelphia: 173-184.

84-16. Janssens, J.A., and Baker, RG., 1984. A full-glacial bryophyte assemblage from southeastern Iowa, USA Journal of Bryology 13, 201-207.

84-17. Smith, V.H., 1984. Light and nutrient dependence of photosynthesis by algae. Journal of Phycology 19, 306-313.

84-18. Glaser. P.H., and Foster, D.R., 1984. The vascular flora of ombrotrophic bogs in southeastern Labrador and its phytogeographic significance. Canadian Journal of Botany 62, 1361-1364.

84-19. Wright, H.E., 1984. Paleoecology, climatic change, and Aegean prehistory. In Contributions to Aegean Prehistory. Studies in Honor ofWilIiam A McDonald (N.C. Wilkie and W.D.E. Coulson, eds.). Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa, pp. 183-195.

84-20. Janssens, J.A., and Glaser, P.H., 1984. Rhizomnium gracile, a moss new to Minnesota, with the distribution of Rhizomnium in the state. The Michigan Botanist 23, 89-92.

84-21. Engstrom, D.R., and Wright, H.E., 1984. Chemical stratigraphy oflake sediments as a record of environmental change.. In Lake Sediments and Environmental History: Studies in Palaeolimnology and Palaeoecology in Honour ofWinifted Tutin (J. W.G. Lund and E. V. Haworth, eds.) Leicester University Press, Leicester. pp. l-67.

84-22. Peglar, S.M., Fritz, S.C., Alapieti, T., Saamisto, M., and Birks, H.J.B., 1984. Composition and formation of laminated sediments in Diss Mere, Norfolk, England. Boreas 13, 13-28.

84-23. Gorham, E., Martin, F.B., Litzau, J.T., 1984. Acid rain -- ionic correlations in the eastern United States, 1980-1981. Science 225, 407-409.

84-24. Wright, H.E, 1984. Sensitivity and response time of natural systems to climatic change in the late Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 3, 91-133.

84-25. Gorham, E., Eisenreich, S.J., Ford, J., and Santelmann, M.V., 1984. The chemistry of bog waters. In Chemical Processes in Lakes (W. Stumm, ed.). Wiley, New York,. pp. 339-362.

84-26. Wright, D.I., and Shapiro, J.,1984. Nutrient reduction by biomanipulation: an unexpected phenomcoon and its possible cause. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 22, 518-524.


83-1. Wheeler, G.A., Glaser, P.H., Gorham, E., Wetmore, C.M., Bowers, F.D. and Janssens, J.A., 1983. Contributions to the flora of the Red Lake Peatland, northern Minnesota, with special attention to Carex. American Midland Naturalist 110, 67-96.

83-2. Brugam, R.B., 1983. The relationship between fossil diatom assemblages and limnological conditions. Hydrobiologia 98, 223-235.

83-3 Smith, V.H., 1983. ,Low nitrogen to phosphorus ratios favor dominance by blue-green algae in lake phytoplankton. Science 221, 669-671.

83-4. Wright, H.E., and Glaser, P.H., 1983. Postglacial peatlands of the Lake Agassiz plain, northern Minnesota. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 26, 375-390.

83-5. Glaser, P.H., 1983. A patterned fen on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Minnesota. Canadian Field Naturalist 97, 194-199.

83-6. Brugam, R.B., and Speziale, B.J., 1983. Human disturbance and the paleolimnological record of change in the zooplankton community of Lake Harriet, Minnesota. Ecology 64, 578-59l.

83-7. Gorham, E., Dean, W.E., and Sanger, J., 1983. The chemical composition of lakes in the north- centra1 United States. Limnology and Oceanography 28, 287-301.

83-8. King, J. W., Banerjee, S.K., Marvin, J., and Lund, S., 1983. Use of small-amplitude paleomagnetic fluctuations for correlation and dating of continental climatic changes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 42, 167

83-9. King, J. W., Banerjee, S.K., and Marvin, J, 1983. A new rock-magnetic approach to selecting sediments for geomagnetic paleointensity studies: application to paleointensity for the last 4,000 years. Journal of Geophysical Research 88, 5911-5921.

83-10. Banerjee, S.K., 1983. Holocene paleomagnetism. In Late Quaternary Environmentens of the United States. Vol. 1. The Holocene ( H.E. Wright., ed.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. pp. 78-85.

83-11. Watts, W.A., 1983. Vegetation history of the eastern United States 25,000 to 10,000 years ago. In Late-Quaternary Environments of the United States. Vol 1, The Late Pleistocene (S.C. Porter , ed.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 294-310.

83-12. Webb, T. III, Cushing, E.J., and Wright, H.E., 1983. Holocene changes in the vegetation of the Midwest. In Late Quaternary Environments of the United States. Vol 2, The Hiolocene (H.E. Wright, Jr., ed.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. l42-165.

83-13. Kingston, J.C., Lowe, R.L., Stoermer, E.F.,. and Ladewski, T.B., 1983. Spatial and temporal distribution of benthic diatoms in northern Lake Michigan. Ecology 64, 1566-1580..

83-14. Brugam, R.B., 1983. The A/C (AraphidineaelCentrales) ratio in high and low alkalinity lakes in eastern Minnesota. Freshwater Biology 13" 47-55.

83-15. Holm, N.P., Ganf, G.G., and Shapiro, J., 1983. Feeding and assimilation rates of Daphnia pulex - fed Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Limnology and Oceanography 28, 677-687.

83-16. Janssens, J.A., 1983. Past and extant distribution of Drepanocladus in North America, with notes on the differentiation of fossil fi'agments. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 54, 251- 298.

83-17. Wright, H.E., 1983. Late-Pleistocene glaciation and climate around the Junin Plain, Central Peruvian highlands. Geografiska Annaler 65A, 35-43

83-18. Smith, V.H., 1983. The nitrogen and phosphorus dependence of blue-green algal dominance in lakes..1n Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on North American Lake Management, Vancouver. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 440/5/83-001, pp. 237-241.

83-19. Janssens, J.A., 1983. A quantitative method for stratigraphic analysis of bryophytes in Holocene peat. Journal of Ecology 71, 189-196.

83-20. Glaser, P.H., 1983. Eleocharis rostellata Torr. and its relation to spring fens in Minnesota. The Michigan Botanist 22, 19-21.

83-21. Glaser, P.H., 1983. Vegetation patterns in the North Black River peatland, northern Minneosta.

Canadian Journal of Botany 61, 2085-2104.

83-22. Glaser, P.H., 1983. Carex exilis and Scirpus cespitosus var. callosus in patterned fens in northern Minnesota. The Michigan Botanist 22, 22-26.

83-22. Janssens, J.A., 1983. Past and present record of Drepanocladus crassicostatus sp. novo (Musci: Amblystegiaceae) and the status of D. trichophyllus in North America. The Bryologist 86, 44-53.

83-23. Janssens, J.A., 1983. Quatemary fossil bryophytesinNorthAmmcrica – ncw records. Lindbergia 9, 137-15l.

83-24. Foster, D.R., King, G.A., Glaser, P.H,. and Wright, H.E., 1983. Origin of string patterns in boreal peatlands. Nature 306, 256-258

83-25. Bjorck, S., and Keister,. C.M., 1983. The Emerson phase of Lake Agassiz, independently registered in northwestern Minnesota and northwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 20,1536-1542.

83-27. Ganf, G.G., 1983. An ecological relationship betweenAphanizomenon and Daphnia pulex. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 34, 755-773.

83-27. Grimm. E.C.,. 1983. Chronology and dynamics of vegetation change in the prairie-woodland region of southern Minnesota, USA New Phytologist 93, 311-349.

83-28. Shapiro, J., and Swain, E.B., 1983. Lessons ftom the silica decline” in Lake Michigan. Science 221, 457-459.


82-1. Clair, T.A., Engstrom, D.R., and Whitman, W., 1982. Water quality of surface waters of Newfoundland and Labrador.. Data Report ofEnviromnent Canada (lnland Waters Directorate), Moncton, New Brunswick, 55 pp.

82-2. Gorham, E., 1982. Robert Angus Smith, F.R.S., and 'chemical climatology'. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 36, 267-271.

82-3. King, J. W., Banerjee, S.K, Marvin, J., and Ozdemir, 1982. A comparison of different magnetic methods for determining the relative grain size of magnetite in natural minerals: some results from lake sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 59, 404-419.

82-4. Gorham, E., 1982. Some unsolved problems in peatland ecology. Le Naturaliste canadien (Revue d'Ecologie et de Systematique 109, 533-541.

82-5. Smith, V.H., 1982. The nitrogen and phosphorus dependence of algal biomass in lakes: An empirical and theoretical analysis. Limnology and Oceanography 27, 1101-1112.

82-6. Wright, H.E., 1982. Lake and wetland sediments as records of past atmospheric composition.. In Atmospheric Chemistry.(E.D. Goldberg, ed.) Dahlem Konferenzen. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.135-157.

82-7. Johnson, T.C., Evans, J.E., and Eisenrich, S.L, 1982. Total organic carbon in Lake Superior sediments -- comparisons with hemipelagic and pelagic marine enviromnents. Limnology and Oceanography 27, 481-491.

82-8. Landmesser, C. W., Johnson. T.C., and Wold, R.I., 1982. Seismic reflection study of recessional moraines beneath Lake Superior and their relationship to regional deglaciation . Quaternary Research 17, 173-190.

82-9. Kingston, I.C., 1982. Association and distribution of common diatoms in surface samples from northern Minnesota peatlands. Nova Hedwigia 73, 333-346.

82-11. Watts, W.A. and Bradbury, J.P., 1982. Paleoecological studies at Lake Patzcuaro on the west- central Mexican Plateau and at Chalco in the Basin of Mexico. QuaternaryResearch 17, 56-70.


81-1. Forsberg. B. and Shapiro, J., 1981. Predicting the algal resPQnse to destratification..1n Restoration of Lakes and Inland Waters. U.S. Enviromnental Protection Agency, 440/5-81-010, pp. 134-139.

81-2. Lynch, M. and Shapiro, J., 1981. Predation, enrichment, and phytoplankton community structure.

Limnology and Oceanography 26, 86-102.

81-3. Glaser, P.H., 1981. Transport and deposition ofleaves and seeds on tundra: a late-glacial analog.

Arctic and Alpine Research 13, 173-182.

81-4. Brugam, R.B., 1981. Chemistry oflake water and groundwater in areas of contrasting glacial drift in eastern Minnesota. Hydrobiologia 80, 47-62.

81-5. Birks, H.J.B., 1981. Long-distance pollen in Late Wisconsin sediments of Minnesota, USA: A quantitative analysis. New Phytologist 87, 630-661.

81-6. Carlson, R.E., and Shapiro, J., 1981. Dissolved hwnic substances: a major SOUIW of error in fluorometric analyses involving lake waters. Limnology and Oceanography 26, 785-790.

81-7. Smith, V.H,. and Shapiro, J., 1981. Chlorophyll-phosphorus relations in individual lakes: Their importance to lake- restoration strategies. Enviromnental Science and Technology 15, 444-451.

81-8. Shapiro, J., 1981. Effects of artificial circulation in reservoirs on algae.. In F.L.Burns and I.J.Powling (eds.), Destratification of Lakes and Reservoirs to Improve Water Quality.

Proceedings of a Joint US/Australian Seminar and Workshop, Melbourne, pp. 376-418.

81-9. Johnson, T.C., 1981. Late-glacial and postglacial sedimentation in Lake Superior based on seismic-reflection profiles. Quaternary Research 13,380-391.

81-10 Johnson, T.C., 1981. Sediment redistribution by waves in lakes, reservoirs and embayments. In

H. Stefan (ed), Surface Water Impoundments. American Society of Civil Engineers, pp.1307- 1317. .

81-11. Baker, K.K., 1981. Ecology and taxonomy offive natural populations of the

genusAphanizomenon Morren (Cyanophyceae). Archiv für Hydrobiologie 92, 222-251.

81-12. Birks, H.I.B., 1981. Late Wisconsin vegetational and climatic history at Kylen Lake, northeastern Minnesota. Quaternary Research 16, 322-355.

81-13. Wright, H.E., 1981. Vegetation east of the Rocky Mountains 18,000 years ago. Quaternary Research 15, 113-125.

81-14. Smith, V.H., and Shapiro, J., 1981. A retrospective look at the effects of phosphorus removal in lakes. In Restoration of Lakes and lnland Waters. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 440/5- 81-010.

81-15. Ashworth, AC., Schwert, D.P., Watts, W.A., and Wright, H.E., 1981. Plant and insect fossils at Norwood in south-centra1 Minnesota --a record of late-glacial succession. Quaternary Research 16, 66-79.

81-16. Wright, H.E., 1981. Early postglacial problems in Minnesota paleolinmology. In L.K Konigsson and K Paabo (eds.), Florilegium Florinis Dedicatum. Striae 14, 94-97.

81-17. Wright, H.E., 1981. Climatic change in the Zagros Mountains- revisited. In Prehistoric Archeology along the Zagros flanks (L.S. Braidwood, RJ. Braidwood, and B. Howe, eds.). University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications 105,505-509.

81-18. Evans, J.E., Johnson, T.C., Alexander, E.C., Jr., Lively, R.S., and Eisenrech, S.J., 1981.

Sedimentation rates and depositional processes in Lake Superior from 210Pb Geochronology. Journal of Great Lakes Research 7, 299-310.

81-19. Glaser, P.H., Wheeler, G.A., Gorham, E., and Wright, H.E., Jr., 1981. The patterned mires of the Red Lake Peat1and, northern Minnesota: vegetation, water chemistry, and landfonns. Journal of Ecology 69, 575-600.

81-20. Shapiro, J., Settles, J., Moeller, R, Allison, T., and Shapiro, A., 1981. Index to the first 20 volumes. Proceedings of the International Association of Linmology.

81-21. Forsberg, B., and Shapiro, J., 1981. Predicting the algal response to destratification. In Restoration of Lakes and Inland Waters. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 440/5-81-010, pp.134-139.

81-22. Wright, H.E.,1981. Holocene chronostratigaphy for United States and southern Canada.. In Chronostratigraphic subdivision of The Holocene (J. Mangerud, H.J.B. Bitks, and K.D. Jager. eds.). Striae 16, 53-55.

81-23. Wright, H.E., 1981. The role of tire in landlwater interactions. In HA Mooney, T.M. Bonnickson, N.L. Christiansen, J.E. Lootan, and WA Reiners, editors, Fire regiomes and Ecosystem Properties. U.S. Forest Service, General Technical Report WO 26, 421-444.


80-1. Swain, A,M., 1980. Landscape patterns and forest history in the Boundary Waters Canoe area in northeastern Minnesota: a pollen study fTom Hug Lake. Ecology 61, 747-754.

80-2. Watts, W.A., and Stuiver, M., 1980. Late Wisconsin climate of northern Florida and the origin of species-rich deciduous forest. Science 210, 32 5-327.

80-3. Synerhohn, C.C., 1980. The chydorid Cladocera &om surface lake sediments in Minnesota and North Dakota. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 86, 137-151.

80-4. Birks, H.J.B. and Peglar, S.M., 1980. Identification of Picea pollen of Late Quaternary age in eastern North America: a numerical approach. Canadian Journal of Botany 58, 2043-2058.

80-5. Birks, H.H., 1980. Plant macrofossils in Quaternary lake sediments.. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Beihefte I, 1-60.

80-6. Wright, H.E., 1980. Cores of soft lake sediments. Boreas 9, 107-114.

80-7. Lynch, M. and Shapiro, J., 1981. Predation, enrichment, and phytoplankton community structure.

Limnology and Oceanography 26, 86-102.

80-8. Megard, R.O., Settles. J.C., Bover, H.A,. and Combs, W.S., Jr., 1980. Light, Secchi disks, and trophic states. Limnology and Oceanography 25,373-377.

80-9. Lamb, H.F., 1980. Late-Quaternary vegetational history of southeastern Labrador. Arctic and Alpine Research 12, 117- 135.

80-10. Crisman, T.L., 1980. Chydorid cladoceran assemblages fiulll subtropical Florida.. In W.C. Kerfuot (ed.): Evolution and Ecology of Zooplankton Communities. University Press of New England, pp. 657-668.

80-11. Brugam, R.B., 1980. Postglacial diatom stratigraphy of Kirchner Marsh, Minnesota. Quaternary Research 13, 133-146.

80-12. Watts, W.A., 1980. Late-Quateranry vegetation history at White Pond on the inner coastal plain of South Carolina. Quaternary Research 13, 187-199.

80-13. Delcourt, P.A., Delcourt, H.R., Brister, R.C. and Lackey, L.E., 1980. Quaternary vegetation history of the Mississippi Embayment Quaternary Research 13, 111-132.

80-14. Delcourt, P.A., 1980. Goshen Springs: Late-Quaternary vegetation record for southern Alabama.

Ecology 61,371-386.

80-15. Wright, H.E., 1980. Surge moraines of the KlutJan Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada: origin, wastage, vegetation succession, lake development, and application to the late-glacial of Minnesota. Quaternary Research 14, 2-18.

80-16. Driscoll, F.G., Jr., 1980. Formation of the Neoglacial surge moraines of the Klutlan Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Research 14, 19-30.

80-17. Driscoll, F.G., Jr., 1980. Wastage of the Klutlan ice-cored moraines, Yukon Territory, Canada.

Quaternary Research 14,31-49.

80-18. Watson, R.A., 1980. Landform development on moraines of the Klutlan Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Research 14, 50-59.

80-19. Birks, H.J.B., 1980. The present flora and vegetation of1he moraines of the Klut1an Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada: a study in plant succession. Quaternary Research 14, 60-86.

80-20. Jacobson, G.L., Jr. and Birks, H.J.B., 1980. Soil development on recent end moraines of the Klutlan Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Research 14,87-100.

80-21. Birks, H.J.B., 1980. Modern pollen assemblages and vegetational history of the moraines of the Klutlan Glacier and its surroundings, Yukon Territory, Canada. QuaternaryResearch 14, 101- 129.

80-22. Whiteside, M.C., Bradbury, J.P., and Tarapchak, S.L., 1980. Limnology of the Klutlan moraines, Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Research 14, 130-148.

80-23. Bradbury, J.P., and Whiteside, M.C., 1980. Paleolimnology of two lakes in the Klutlan Glacier region, Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Research 14, 149-168.7

80-24. Delcourt, P.A., and Delcourt, H.R., 1980. Pollen preservation and Quaternary environmental history in the southeastern United States. Palynology 4,215-231.

80-25. Shapiro, J., 1980. The importance of trophic-level interactions to the abundance and species composition of algae in lakes. In I Barica and L.R Mur (eds.), Hypertrophic Ecosystems.

Developments in Hydrobiology 2, 105-116.

80-26. Johnson, T.C., Carlson, T.W., and Evans, J.E., 1980. Contourites in Lake Superior. Geology 5, 437-441.


79-1. Regal, R.R,. and Cushing, E.J., 1979. Confidence intervals for absolute pollen counts.

Biometrics 35, 557-565.

79-2. Amundson, D.A., and Wright, H.E., 1979. Forest changes in Minnesota at the end of the Pleistocene. Ecological Monographs 49, 1-16.

79-3. Lynch, M., 1979. Predation, competition, and zooplankton community structure: an experimental study. Limnology and Oceanography 24, 253-272.

79-4. Megard, R.O., Combs, W.S., Jr., and Knoll, A.S., 1979. Attenuation oflight and daily integral rates of photosynthesis attained by planktonic algae. Limnology and Oceanography 24, 1038- 1050.

79-5. Watts, W.A., 1979. Late-Quaternary vegetation of central Appalachia and the New Jersey coastal plain. Ecological'Monographs 49, 247-469.

79-6. Brugam, R.B., 1979. A re-evaluation of the AraphidineaelCentrales index as an indicator of lake trophic status. Freshwater Biology 9, 451-460.

79-7. Jacobson, G.L., Jr., 1979. The paleoecology of white pine (Pinus strobus) in Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 67, 697-726.

79-8. Smith, V.H., 1979. Nutrient dependence of primary productivity in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 24, 1051-1064.

79-9. Shapiro, J., 1979. The need for more biology in lake restoration.. Proceedings of a National Conference on Lake Restoration, Minneapolis. pp. 161-167.

79-10. Delcourt, H.R., 1979. Late-Quatemary vegetation history of the eastern Highland Rim and adjacent Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. Ecological Monographs 49, 255-280.

79-11. Delcourt, P.A., and Delcourt, H.R., 1979 . Late Pleistocene and Holocene distributional history of the deciduous forest in the southeastern United States.. Veroffentlichungen des Geobotanisches Institut der ETH, Stiftung Rubel, Zurich 68, 79-107.

79-12. Lund, S.J., and Banerjee, S.K., 1979. Paleosecular variations &om lake sediments. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 17, 244-249.


78-1. Crisman, T.C., 1978. Reconstruction of past lacustrine environments based on the remains of aquatic invertebrates.. In D.Walker and J.C.Guppy (eds.), Biology and Quaternery Environments. Austranilan Academy of Science, Canberra.

78-2. Crisman, T.C., 1978. Algal remains in Minnesota lake types: a comparison of modem and late- glacial distributions. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 20, 445-451.

78-3. Gorham, E., 1978. Ecological aspects of the chemistry of atmospheric precipitation.. In M.H.Glantz, H.van Loon, and E.Annstrong (eds.): Multidisciplinary Research Related to Atmospheric Sciences. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. pp. 265- 296.

78-4. Lynch, M., 1978 . Complex interactions between natural coexploiters: Daphnia and

Ceriodaphnia.. Ecology 59, 552-564.

78-5. Bradbury, J.P., 1978. A paleolimnological comparison of Bumtside and Shagawa Lakes, northeastern Minnesota:. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ecological Research Series EPA-600/3-78-004, 50 pp.

78-6. Gorham, E., and Tilson, D.L., 1978. The mineral content of Sphagnum fuscum as affected by human settlement. Canadian Journal of Botany 56, 2755-2759.


77-1. Anthony, R.S., 1977. Iron-rich rhythmically laminated sediments in Lake of the Clouds, northeastern Minnesota. Limnology and Oceanography 22, 45-54.

77-2. Griffin, K.O., 1977. Paleoecological aspects of the Red Lake Peatland, northern Minnesota.

Canadian Journal of Botany 55, 172-192.

77-3. Delcourt P.A., and Delcourt, H.R., 1977. The Tunica Hills, Louisiana-Mississippi: Late-Glacial locality for spruce and deciduous forest species. Quaternary Research 7, 218-237.

77-4. Carlson, R.E., 1977. A trophic-state index for lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 22: 361-368. 77-5. Winter. T.C., and Wright, H.E, 1977. Paleohydrologic phenomena recorded by lake sediments..

EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions 58, 188-196.

77-6. Birks, H.J.B., 1977. Modem pollen rain and vegetation of the St Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory. Canadian Journal of Botany 55, 2367-2382.


76-1. Levi, S., and Banetjee, S., 1976. On the possibility of obtaining relative paleointensities from lake sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 29, 219-226.

76-2. Dean, W.E., Jr., and Gorham, E., 1976. Major chemical and mineral components ofprofundaJ sediments in Minnesota lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 21, 259-284.

76-3. Gorham, E., and Sanger, J.E., 1976. Fossilized pigments as stratigraphic indicators of cultural eutrophication in Shagawa Lake, northeastern Minnesota. Geological Society of America Bulletin 87, 1638-1342.

76-4. Bradbury, J.P., and Winter. T.C., 1976. Areal distribution and stratigraphy of diatoms in the sediments of Lake Sallie, Minnesota. Ecology 57, 1005-1014.

76-5. Wright, H.E., 1976. Ice retreat and revegetation in the western Great Lakes area. In W.C. Mahaney (ed.), Quaternary Stratigraphy of North America. Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. pp. 119-132.

76-6. Wright, H.E., 1976. The dynamic Nature of Holocene vegetation: a problem in paleoclimatology, biogeography, and stratigraphic nomenclature. Quaternary Research 6, 581- 596.

76-7. Wright, R.F., 1976. The impact of forest fire on the nutrient influxes to small lakes in northeastern Minnesota. Ecology 57, 649-663.

76-8. Gorham, E., 1976. Acid precipitation and its influence upon aquatic ecosystems -an overview.

U.S. Forest Service, General Technical Report NE-23, 425-458.

76-9. Dean, W.E., and Gorham, E., 1976. Classillcation of Minnesota lakes by Q- and R-mode factor analysis of sediment mineralogy and chemistry. In D.F. Merriam (ed.), Quantitative Techniques for the Analysis of Sediments. Pergamon Press, New York, pp. 61-71.

76-10. Baker, A,. and Baker, K., 1976. Estimation of planktonic wind-drift by transmissometry.

Limnology and Oceanography 21,447-452.

76-11. Birks, H.H., Whiteside, M.C., Stark,. D.M., and Bright, R.C., 1976. Recent paleolimnology of three lakes in northwestern Minnesota. Quaternary Research 6, 249-272.

76-12. Birks, H.J.B., 1976. Late-Wisconsinan vegetational history at Wolf Creek, central Minnesota.

Ecological Monographs 46, 395-429.

76-13. Stark, D.M., 1976. Paleolimnology of Elk Lake, Itasca State Park, northwestern Minnesota. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 50, 208-274.


75-1. Griffin, K.O., 1975. Vegetation studies and modem pollen spectra from the Red Lake PeatIand, northern Minnesota. Ecology 56, 531-546.

75-2. Watts, W.A., 1975. Vegetation record for the last 20,000 years from a small marsh on Lookout Mountain, northwestern Georgia. Geological Society of America Bulletin 86, 287-291.

75-3. Gorham, E., and Sanger, J.E., 1975. Fossil pigments in Minnesota lake sediments and their bearing upon the balance between terrestrial and aquatic inputs to sedimentary organic matter. Verhandlungen der 1nternationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 19, 2267-2273.

75-4. Bradbury. J.P., 1975. Diatom stratigraphy and human settlement in Minnesota. Geological Society of America Special Paper 171, 1-74.

75-5. Shapiro, J., Lundquist, J.B., and Carlson, R.E., 1975. Involving the public in limnology: an approach to communication.. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 19, 866-874.

75-6. Shapiro, J. and Glass, G.E., 1975. Synergistic effects of phosphate and manganese on growth of Lake Superior algae. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 19, 395-404.

75-7. Lamarra, V., 1975. Digestive activities of carp as a major contributor to the nutrient loading oflakes. Verhandlungen der Intemationale Vereinigung für Limnololrie 19:

75-8. Bradbury, J.P., Tarapchak, S.J., Waddington, J.C.B. and Wright, R.F., 1975. The impact of a forest fire on a wilderness lake in northeastern Minnesota. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 19, 875-883.

75-9. Lundquist, J.B., 1975. A primer on limnology.. University of Minnesota Water Resources Research Center, Public Report Series I, 28 pp.

75-10. Shapiro, J., Lamarra,. V., and Lynch, M., 1975. Biomanipulation: an ecological approach to lake restoration.. In P.L.Brezonik and J.L.Fox (eds.): Water Quality Management through Biological Control. University of Florida, Gainesville, pp.85-96.144.

75-11. Lynch, M., 1975. Fitness and optimal body size in zooplankton populations. Ecology 58: 763- 774.


74-1. Waddington, J.C.B., and Wright, H.E., Jr., 1974. Late-Quaternary vegetational changes on the east side of Yellowstone Park, Wvoming. Ouaternary Research 4.175-184.

74-2. Gorham, E., Lund, J.W.G., Sanger, W.E., and Dean, W.E., Jr., 1974. Some relationships between algal standing crop, water chemistry, and sediment chemistry in the English Lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 19, 601-617.

74-3. Whiteside, M.C., 1974. Chydorid (Cladocera) ecology: seasonal patterns and abundance of populations in Elk Lake, Minnesota. Ecology 55,538-550.

74-4. Burke, M.E., Gorham, E., and Pratt, D.C., 1974. Distribution of purple photosynthetic bacteria in wetland and woodland habitats of central and northern Minnesota. Journal of Bacteriology 117, 826-833.

74-5. Megard, R.O., and Smith, P.D., 1974. Mechanisms that regulate growth rates of phytoplankton in Shagawa Lake, Minnesota. Limnology and Oceanography 19, 279-296.

74-6. Hansen, B.S., and Easterbrook, D.H., 1974. Stratigraphy and Palynology oflate-Quatemary sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington. Geological Society of America Bulletin 85, 587- 602.

74-7. Watts, W.A., 1974. A late-Quaternary record of vegetation from Lake Annie, south-central Florida. Geology 3, 344-346.


73-1. Bradbury, J.P., 1973. Ecology of fresh-water diatoms. Nova Hedwigia 24, 145-168.

73-2. Sanger. J.E.. and Gorham, E., 1973. A comparison of the abundance and diversity offossil pigments in wetland peats and woodland humus layers. Ecology 54, 605-617.

73-3. Gruger. J., 1973. Studies on the late-Quaternary vegetation history ofnortheastem Kansas.

Geological Society of America Bulletin 84, 239-250.

73-4. Janssen. C..R , 1973. Local and regional pollen deposition. In H.J.B.Birks and R.G. West (eds.): Quaternary Plant Ecology. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 31-42.

73-5. Bradbury, J.P. and Waddington, J.C.B.,1973. The impact of European settlement on Shagawa Lake, northeastern Minnesota, USA. In H.I B.Birks and RG. West (eds.), Quaternary Plant Ecology. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 289-308.

73-6. Watts, W.A. 1973. The vegetation record of a Mid-Wisconsin interstadial in northwest Georgia.

Quaternary Research 3, 257-268.

73-7. Birks, H.H., 1973. Modern macrofossil assemblages in lake sediments in Minnesota.. 10 Quaternry Plant Ecology (H.IB. Birks and RG. West, eds.), Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 173-189.

73-8. Watts, W.A., 1973. Rates of change and stability in vegetation in the perspective oflong period of time. In Quaternary Plant Ecology (H.J.B.Birks and RG West, eds.). Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 195-206.

73-9. Swain. A.M., 1973. A history offire and vegetation in northeastern Minnesota as recorded in lake sediments. Quaternary Research 3, 383-396.

73-10. Lundquist. J.B.. 1973. Improving lake water quality. University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 16 pp.

73-11. Wright, H.E., Bent, A.M., Hansen, B.S., and Maher, L.J., Jr., 1973. Past and present vegetation of the Chuska Mountains, northwestern New Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 84, 1155-1180.

73-12. Hansen, B.S., and Cushing. E.J , 1973. Identification of pine pollen of Quaternary age from the Chuska Mountains, New Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 84, 1181-1200.


72-1. Tarapchak, S.J., 1972. Studies on the Xanthophyceae of the Red Lake Wetlands, Minnesota.

Nova Hedwigia 23, 1-45.

72-2. Craig. AJ., 1972. Pollen influx to laminated sediments -- a pollen diagram fiom northeastern Minnesota. Ecology 53, 46-57.

72-3. Haworth, E.Y., 1972. Diatom succession in a core from Pickerel Lake, northeastern South Dakota.. Geological Society of America Bulletin 83. 157-172.

72-4. Megard, R.O., 1972. Phytoplankton, photosynthesis, and phosphorus in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.. Limnology and Oceanography 17, 68-87

72-5. Gruger, E., 1972. Late Quaternary vegetation development in south-central Illinois. Quaternary Research 2, 217-231.

72-6. Gruger, E., 1972. Pollen and seed studies of Wisconsinan vegetation in illinois, USA Geological Society of America Bulletin 2: 217-231.

72-7. Gorham, E., and Sanger, J.E., 1972. Fossil pigments in the surface sediments of a meromictic lake. Limnology and Oceanography 17, 618-622.

72-8. Bradbury, J.P., and Megard, R.O., 1972. Stratigraphic record of pollution in Shagawa Lake, northeastern Minnesota.. Geological Society of America Bulletin 83, 2639-2643.

72-9. Gorham, E. and Pratt, D.C., 1972 . Influence of soil acidity on the occurrence of Athiorhodaceae in northeastem Minnesota, USA In H.J.B.Birks and RG.West (eds.), Quaternary Plant Ecology. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 289-308.

72-10. Sanger, J.E., and Gorham, E., 1972. Stratigraphy offossil pigments as a guide to the postglacial history of Kirclmer Marsh, Minnesota. Limnology and Oceanography 17, 840-854.

72-11. Chamberlain, W., and Shapiro, J., 1972. Phosphate measurements in natural waters -- a critique.

In E.J. Griffith, A Beeton, J.M. Spencer, and D.T. Mitchell (eds.), Environmental Phosphorus Handbook. Wiley, New York, pp. 355-366.


71-1. Shay, C.T., 1971. The Itasca Bison Kill Site -- an Ecological Analysis. Minnesota Historical Society, St.Paul, 133 p.

71-2. Watts, W.A, 1971. Postglacial and interglacial vegetation history of southern Georgia and central Florida. Ecology 52, 676-690.

71-3. Rampton, V., 1971. Late Quaternary vegetational and climatic history of the Snag-KlutIan area, southwestern Yukon Territory, Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin 82, 959-978.

71-4. Bradbury. J.P., 1971. Limnology of Zuni Salt Lake, New Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 82, 379-398.

71-5. Bradbury, J.P., 1971. Paleolimnology of Lake Texcoco – evidence from diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography 16, 180-200.

71-6. Baker, A.L,. and Brook. A. J., 1971. Optical density profiles as an aid to the study of micro stratified phytoplankton populations in lakes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 69: 214-233.

71-7. Gorham, E. and Hofstetter, R.H., 1971. The penetration of bog peats and lake sediments by tritinm from atmospheric fallout. Ecology 52, 898-902.

71-8. Shapiro, J., Edmondson, W.T., and Allison, D.E., 1971. Changes in the chemical composition of sediments of Lake Washington, 1958-1970. Limnology and Oceanography 16: 437-452.


70-1. Florin, M.-B.,1970. Late-glacial diatoms of Kirchner Marsh, southeastern Minnesota.. . Nova Hedwigia 31, 667-755.

70-2. Wasylikowa, K., and Wright, H.E., 1970. Late-glacial plant succession on an abandoned drainageway, northeastern Minnesota, USA. Acta Palaeobotanica II, 23-43.

70-3. Watts, W.A., 1970. The full-glacial vegetation of northwestern Georgia. Ecology51, 17-33.

70-4. Wright, H.E., 1970. Vegetational history of the Central Plains. In Pleistocene and Recent Environments of the Central Plains (W. Dort, Jr. and I.K. Jones, Jr., eds.), Lawrence, Kansas, pp. 157-172.

70-5. Sanger, J. and Gorham, E., 1970 The diversity of pigments in lake sediments and its ecological significance. Limnology and Oceanography 15: 59-69.

70-6. Pratt, D.C. and Gorham, E., 1970. Occurrence of Athiorhodaceae in woodland, swamp, and pond soils. Ecology 51, 346-349.


69-1. Quade, H., 1969. Cladoceran faunas associated with aquatic macrophytes in some lakes in northwestern Minnnesota. Ecology 50, 170-171.

69-2. Watts, W.A, 1969. A pollen diagram from Mud Lake, Marion County, north-centra1 Florida. Geological Society of America Bulletin 80, 631-642.

69-3. Florin, M.-B.,and Wright, H.E., 1969. Diatom evidence for the persistence of stagnant glacial ice in Minnesota. Geological Society of America Bulletin 80, 695-704.

69-4. Meyer, R.L., and Brook. A.J., 1969. . Freshwater algae from Itasca State Park. III. Pyrrophyta and Euglenophyta. Nova Hedwegia 18, 367-382.

69-5. Baker, A.L., Brook, A.J.,and Klemer, A.R., 1969. Some photosynthetic characteristics of a naturally occurring population of Osci/latoria agardhii Gomont. Limnology and Oceanography 14, 327-333.

69-6. Shapiro, J., 1969. Iron in natural waters: its characteristics and availability as determined with the ferrigrarn. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 17, 456-466.

69-7. Bright, R.C., and Woo, R., 1969. Coating seeds with atumonium chloride -- a technique for better photographs. Turtox News 47, 226-229.

69-8. Craig, A.J.,1969. Vegetational history of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Geological Society of America Special Paper 123,253-296.

69-9. Waddington, J.C.B.,1969. A stratigraphic record of the pollen influx to a lake in the Big Woods of Minnesota. Geological Society of America Special Paper 123, 264-282.

69-10. Shapiro, J., and Chamberlain, W., 1969. Factors influencing phosphate use by algae. Fourth International Conerence on Water Pollution Research (Prague 1968), Proceedings.

69-11. Wrighit, H.E.. 1969. Glacial fluctuations and the forest succession in the Lake Superior area.. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan., pp. 397- 405.

69-12. Bradbury, J.P., 1969. Diatoms from the Pleistocene sediments of Lake Texcoco, Mexico. Revue de Geographie Physique et Geologie Dynamique 12, 161-168.

69-13. Gruger, E., 1969. The development of the vegetation of southern Illinois since late-Illinoian time (preliminary report). Revue de Geographie Physique et Geologie Dynamique 12, 143-148.

69-14. Whiteside, M.C., 1969. Danish chydorid Cladocera:-- modern Ecology and core studies. Ecological Monographs 40, 79-118.

69-15. Wright, H.E., and Watts, W.A., with contributions by Waddington, J.C.B., Jelgersma, S., Ogawa, J. and Winter, T.C., 1969. Glacial and vegetational history of northeastern Minnesota. Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication II, 1-59.


68-1. Wright, H.E., and Bent, AM., 1968. Vegetation bands around Dead Man Lake, Chuska Mountains, New Mexico. American Midland Naturalist 79, 8-30.

68-2. Janssen, C.R., 1968. Myrtle Lake: A late- and post-glacial pollen diagram from northen Minnesota. Canadian Journal of Botany 46, 1397-1408.

68-3. Wright, H.E., 1968. History of the prairie peninsula. In: The Quaternary of Illinois. University of Illinois College of Agriculture Special Publication 14, 78-88.

68-4. Wright, H.E. 1968. The roles of pine and spruce in the forest history of Minnesota and adjacent areas. Ecology 49, 937-955.

68-5. Wright, H.E., 1968. The natural environment of early food production north of Mesopotamia. Science 161, 114-119.

68-6. Gorham, E., 1968. Journal coverage in the field of limnology. Limnology and Oceanography 13, 366-369.

68-7. Meyer, R.L., and Brook.. A.J., 1968. Freshwater algae from the Itasca State Park. II. Chrysopyceae and Zanthophyceae. Nova Hedwigia 17, 105-112.


67-1. Megard, R.O., 1967. Three new species of Alona (Cladocera, Chydoridae) trom United States. Internationale Revue der gesamte Hydrobiologie 52, 37-50.

67-2. Megard, R.O., 1967. Late-Quaternary Cladocera of LakeZeribar, western Iran. Ecology 48, 179-189.

67-3. Janssen, C.R., 1967. A postglacial pollen diagram from a small Typha swamp in northwestern Minnesota, interpreted from pollen indicators and surface samples. Ecological Monographs 37, 145-172.

67-4. Shapiro, J., 1967. The relation of humic color to iron in natural waters. Verbandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 16, 477-484.

67-5. Swain, F.M., 1967. Stratigraphy and biochemical paleontology of Rossburg peat (Recent), north- central Minnesota. Essays in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, University of Kansas Department of Geology Special Publication 2, 445-475.

67-6. Watts, W.A. and Bright. R.C., 1967. Pollen, seed, and mollusk analysis of a sediment core from Pickerel Lake, northeastern South Dakota. Geological Society of America Bulletin 79, 855-876.

67-7. Bright, R.C., 1967. Late-Pleistocene stratigraphy in Thatcher basin, southeastern Idaho. Tebiwll, Journal of the Idaho State University Museum 10, 1-7.

67-8. Janssen, C.R., 1967. A floristic study of forests and bog vegetation, northwestern Minnesota. Ecology 48, 751-765.

67-9. Shapiro, J., 1967. Yellow organic acids of lake water -- differences in their composition and behavior. In H.L.Golterman and R.S.Clymo (eds.): Chemical environment in the aquatic habitat. Noord-hollandse Uitgeversmaatschappij, Amsterdam. pp. 202-218.

67-10. Shapiro, J., 1967. Iron available to algae -- a new approach to its estimation. In H.L.Golterman and R.S.Clymo (eds.): Chemical environment in the aquatic habitat. Noord-hollandse Uitgeversmaatschappij, Amsterdam, pp. 219-228.

67-11. Cushing, E.J., 1967. Evidence for differential pollen preservation in late-Quaternary sediments in Minnesota. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 4, 87-101.

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66-5. Wright, H.E., Spross, B., and Watson, R.A., 1966. Pollen analyses of the sediment from sinkhole ponds in the Central Kentucky Karst. National Speleological Society Bulletin 28, 185- 188.

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64-4. Wright, H.E., 1964. Origin of the lakes in the Chuska Mountains, northwestern New Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 75, 589597.

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63-3. Wright, H.E., Winter, T.C., and Patten, H.L. 1963. Two pollen diagrams from southeastern Minnesota: problems in the late- and post-glacial vegetational history: Geological Society of America Bulletin 74, 1371-1396.

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Image of layered sediment cores collected in Mexico